Articles by The Stand

On Earth As It Is in Heaven

The dominion mandate in Genesis 1:28 has not expired. God has given the world into the hands of mankind, and when Christians take part in this dominion the world should see life flourish.

The Gospel of Intolerance

A prophetic message – either one that confronts the sins of the culture or simply proclaims the exclusivity of Christ as Savior and Lord – often produces a terrible backlash from the culture that bears the brunt of it, and that reaction can cause the church to shrink back from its prophetic calling. 

What Makes the Taliban Tick?

Islam and Sharia is not just a religion, but an ideology with a religious component. This ideology is not only contrary to our society’s foundations, but is incompatible with it. At its core is the notion that man is not by nature free; he is a slave.

Repentant or Remorseful?

Remorse can lead to a change of behavior for the express purpose of avoiding consequences, while repentance leads to a change of heart. Remorse is externally focused while repentance deals with an internal change.

A City Set on a Hill

The problem is not that Americans don’t care about morality, but that they are conflicted over which morality to choose. The heart of our culture’s moral crisis seems to be rooted, not in apathy, but moral ambivalence.