Articles by Lamb and Lion Ministries

Are Christians the Troublers of Society?

Christians, we are the people who have our fingers in the dam stopping it from bursting. By the Holy Spirit, we Christians are holding back the tide of evil. But, one day soon, when the Lord takes us home, the dam is going to burst, and evil will pour out and deluge the entire world. We don’t want anyone to be left behind by the Rapture to endure those horrors, so put your trust in Jesus Christ today.

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Jesus Came. What Next?

If you are reading this because millions of people have suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, then you are looking for answers to what has happened, why it has happened, and what will be happening next.

Why PRIDE MONTH is DEADLY | Guest: Dave Bowen

Why is Pride Month in truth deadly to both individuals and society? Find out with guest Pastor Dave Bowen along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives (316).

The Millennium Prophecies

What does the Bible prophesy about the Millennium? Find out with guest Bill Salus along with host Tim Moore on the television program, Christ in…

Mormons at Your Door, What do You Say?

It takes little effort to prove that Joseph Smith’s claim to being a divinely called prophet of God was fraudulent. First, Smith’s own ungodly and immoral character would cause even the most ardent hedonist to blush. Second, his failed prophecies fall well short of Moses’ test in determining a false prophet.