Dear Simone: Everyone deserves a chance to live, no matter the circumstance
“I already know this is going to start the biggest argument & may even lose followers BUT I’m very much pro-choice,” Biles answered on Instagram….
Read More“I already know this is going to start the biggest argument & may even lose followers BUT I’m very much pro-choice,” Biles answered on Instagram….
Read MoreEvery Christian should desire, pray for, and work toward what is right in God’s eyes. That will result in a biblical justice that, while it might not please the world, will always please the King of kings.
One could say that the true “social justice warrior,” biblically speaking, is the Christian man or woman who promotes God’s righteousness in society.
Parents can ask questions which encourage faithfulness at Christian institutions. American Christianity needs faithful Christian college and remain in or return to faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ. When we walk in faithfulness to His calling, according to His truth, it is then that we are blessed.