BREAKING NEWS: Another Christian in America Headed to Prison

Phillip Zodhiates web

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By Linda Wall

Christian businessman Philip Zodhiates lost his Appeal. He now faces two three-year sentences for living out his Christian faith in America. If you are not familiar with the Lisa Miller Case click here or view directly below.

You may not have thought glbxyzt issues affect you but if you are a true believer: one who lives their faith outside of the sanctuary and beyond Sundays, it is going to affect you.

The only thing Philip did was obey Galatians 6:2 of “bearing one another’s burden”. He helped a Christian single Mom and her daughter escape alleged child abuse, indoctrination of sexual perversion by glbt activists and be free to live out their Christian faith outside of America.

We would appreciate your donation.

What would you have done? What will you do here in America when they come for you because you love Jesus and obey God?
The Lisa Miller Case is a precedent-setting case that has been going on for fourteen years. The ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center are determined to use this case to make glbt supreme law in America by criminalizing Christianity.

I am asking believers to help Philip and Kathie with their $350,000 attorney fees by going to www.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.
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