God or Man?
Friday’s supreme court decision continues this year’s turmoil. Part I, Part II, and Part III lay out the case for how, what and why the…
Read MoreFriday’s supreme court decision continues this year’s turmoil. Part I, Part II, and Part III lay out the case for how, what and why the…
Read MoreLin Wood shares that the 2020 election was “rigged” by communists, China, and George Soros and he has the PROOF including videos, thousands of signed-affidavits, etc. Research “A Color Revolution”
ALSO: A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping,
In this season of America’s travail, many think in strictly polarized terms. This is because we have finally found ourselves in a stark battle for good versus evil. If the sixties were the years of free speech, desegregation, peace, and free love, how did the last sixty years carry us to here? Perhaps because the sixties were the launchpad for America’s present dystopia. The lack of a well-articulated objective for the sixties’ radicals has finally reached its inevitable conclusion: It’s never really been about objectives and everything about… chaos.
Here is just a tiny sampling of the massive voting irregularities and fraud that were discovered both before and after Joe Biden and Kalamity Harris declared victory through their media lackeys, in clear defiance of the U.S. Constitution and 243-years of American tradition, including such as on Election night at approximately 4 a.m., 138,000 ballots were “instantaneously” counted in Wisconsin and, magically, every single ballot was for Joe Biden and in Virginia, Trump held roughly a 300,000-vote lead, but then––again, magically––a huge trove of approximately 400,000 votes came in for Joe Biden––but not one for Donald Trump. “Amazing, writes blogger Fred Miller, “how one can suddenly discover huge batches of votes 100% for Biden, 0% for Trump, when and wherever one chances to need them.”