
Are We Uniting Against Disunity?

It’s believed that many of us—if not most—may be near, or at, the breaking point. We are facing grave civilizational trauma. In other words, for the left, the right, and the middle, gravity plays no favorites: the cliff-fall will be very painful.

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The USDA’s War on Small Farms

If conservatives and libertarians care about competition for small farms, they should support defanging the federal bureaucracy used by large corporations to capture markets. The USDA should have its regulatory powers removed, and the ability to provide safety in food should be returned to the market. Markets provide a far more welcoming place for producers and a far safer result for consumers.

Pfizer’s New COVID Shot Not Tested on Humans

Pfizer’s testing of the reformulated monovalent shot against XBB.1.5., only involved 10 mice. Moderna’s version has been tested on 50 adults, one of whom required medical attention due to an adverse event, giving us a potential serious adverse event ratio of 1 in 50