
Counterfeit Revival at Asbury [Prophecy Update]

On this broadcast we look at the evidence of this “thing” that is happening at Asbury Chapel and test whether or not it comes from God. As we will discover, the evidence points in the direction of a counterfeit revival.

World’s Superpowers Played their Cards in favor of WWIII

So this was a monumental week. The positions of China, Russia and the U.S./U.K./NATO have all been revealed. None appear to be budging off of their demands.Pray for peace. Prepare for war. Because barring a miraculous intervention it looks, at this point, like war is inevitable.

Satan’s Prepping Continues

The devil observably has his collars and chain around the necks of the dogs of government, military, economy, science, entertainment, and especially religionists.

End Times Signs of Nature

go to Matthew 24 and you learn that there were ten particular signs that Jesus labeled. Of course, false messiahs, and He labels that three times. There would be earthquakes, famines, pestilence, there’d be wars and rumors of wars. There would also be signs in the sky. There’d be the category of social upheaval, both social and economic. There would also be persecution of Christians.