
The SIGNIFICANCE of the RED HEIFERS | Guest: Mondo Gonzales

Prophetic circles are abuzz about the significance of the red heifer mentioned in Numbers 19. The excitement centers on the fact that five solid red heifers were bred in America and flown to Israel in late 2022. They will be examined when they are two years and a day old. If one of them is found to be suitable, it would be sacrificed.

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Rising Beast System | Every Man, Woman and Child = Ward of the State

As the globalists tear down our existing food infrastructure, whether it be by converting productive farmland to unproductive, or drastically culling the chicken and turkey flocks under the guise of “bird flu,” they must endeavor to erect a new infrastructure based on CRISPR gene editing and man-made fake food grown in their laboratories.

The ‘Enslave the Planet’ Cult, Guess Who’s in It?

Those gathering at this meeting are among the ones deciding just how the rest of us are going to live our lives, what rights we’ll have (regardless of local constitutions) and how the world will be run. Can you guess which sheep in wolves’ clothing are on the invitation list?

SPIRIT of the ANTICHRIST | Guest: J.B. Hixson

How is the spirit of the Antichrist taking over? Find out with guest Dr. J.B. Hixson and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives (286).

WEF Globalists: Davos: War, Economic Collapse, New Virus and the Four Horsemen

the stakes are higher because more of us regular folks are waking up and learning about the true agenda of the WEF’s Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution. They intend to digitally enslave the world in a total surveillance state based on a global digital ID (likely disguised as vaccine passports) and a global digital currency to replace cash.