Chuck Crismier

Chuck Crismier

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Chuck CrismierChuck Crismier began his career as a public school teacher from 1967 to 1975. He then served as a Civil Private Practice attorney from 1975 to 1994 while at the same time pastoring a church from 1987 to the present. Chuck has authored nine books including “Out of Egypt” (2006), “The Power of Hospitality” (2005) and “Renewing the Soul of America” (2002). He founded SAVE AMERICA Ministries in 1993 earning him the Valley Forge Freedom Foundation Award for significant contribution to the cause of Faith and Freedom.

A Voice to the Church Declaring Vision for the Nation

Save America was established as a non-profit ministry dedicated to rebuilding the foundations of America’s faith and freedom. Bringing a life-changing message of repentance, righteousness and reconciliation to a nation in acute moral and spiritual distress through broadcast and publishing media, The Church at Richmond, and a community Cell Church model (Covenant Community), all wedding the re-birth of Biblical Truth in restoration of relationships by the ministry of hospitality providing a special focus for pastors.


 LastingLove-500x500Lasting Love

Enduring Secrets for Marital Success

by Chuck & Kathie Crismier

Book Available from: Save American Ministries

Happily Ever After is the undying hope for most couples who proclaim their undying love by sacred vow.  But is it a reasonable and attainable hope, or is it merely an illusion rooted in eros and emotion when we declare, “I DO?”

The statistics of our time reveal a society tragically torn between the sacredness of a holy vow and the sorry state of betrothal and marital bliss.  As one-holy matrimony fades in favor of a “hook-up” culture defined increasingly by “have it my way” cohabitation, the “hopes and dreams of all the years” are betrayed by brokenness.

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It is painful to point out the obvious – that happily ever after is being lost – indeed sacrificed – on the now “sacred” altar of the “ME, Me, me” generation in pursuit of the eternal SELF.  Lost to the marital imagination is the hope of Happily Ever After.

So…how might such a life-invigorating hope be restored?  Is it possible that the simple secrets contained in a marital motto might breathe back into our marriages the hope that once sprang eternal in the breast of the betrothed?

LASTING LOVE may just provide the needed spark.  For, as we know, “it only takes a spark to get a fire going.”  In this small book, husband and wife will find marriage-transforming nuggets of truth passionately presented by Chuck and Kathie Crismier, whose fifty years of marriage are transparently translated so as to torch the life of every married couple.

A simple motto has guided and protected their marriage over many years, and in LASTING LOVE, they offer its seven secrets to you.  They call it OUR MARRIAGE MOTTO.  Perhaps it will become yours. 


Power of Hospitality by Chuck and Kathie CrismierThe Power of Hospitality

An Open Heart, Open Hand and Open Home Will Change Your World

 by Chuck & Kathie Crismier

Book Available from: Save American Ministries

 God’s plan for you includes hospitality.

An open heart, open hand and open home is God’s divine design to open the hearts of people everywhere it is practiced. Hospitality connects our hearts with God’s heart, yet something dramatic has happened in our hearts, closing the doors of our homes, causing Christianity Today to ask, “Whatever Happened to Hospitality?”

The Apostle Paul reminds we must all be “given to hospitality.”

Pastors and leaders must be “lovers of hospitality.” And the Apostle Peter declared, “The end of all things is at hand… use hospitality… without grudging.”

Here is hidden power reserved by God for those who dare to practice it. It is PERSONAL, it is PRACTICAL, and it is PROPHETIC! The Power of Hospitality will change your life… your family, church, city and world if you will let it.




Seduction of the Saints by Chuck CrismierSeduction of the Saints

Staying Pure in a World of Deception

by Chuck Crismier

Book Available from: Save American Ministries

BEWARE DECEPTION! “Take heed that no man deceive you,” declared Jesus the day before his crucifixion.

His words were chilling! They cast a frame around life and eternity. In the final moments of his life on earth, Jesus chose to leave the disciples, with whom he had invested his life and ministry, a penetrating and haunting warning they would never forget… a warning that echoes through the centuries to all his disciples preparing for the end of the age.

The apostles did not miss the message. Mark and John both warn of the seduction of the saints.


The Apostle Paul describes these last days as a time of desperate struggle to seduce the minds and hearts of the saints, for “… seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived,” and “some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits.”

WILL YOU BE DECEIVED? Will you be among the deceived? Can you be seduced?

Paul says there is coming “a great falling away” or apostasy. The purpose of this book is to strengthen your faith and to give you the tools to identify and avoid end-time deception and the Seduction of the Saints.


Secret of the Lord by Chuck CrismierThe Secret of the Lord:

The Hidden Truth That Defines Your Destiny

by Chuck Crismier

Book Available from: Save American Ministries

God has a secret.

It is a life-changing, destiny-determining secret. Yet it is a secret God desires to disclose to all who will seek it, unlocking all of the covenantal blessings and promises of God, both on earth and for eternity.

Secrets are like mysteries. A mystery cries to be mastered. It remains a mystery until the right connections of fact are discerned, unveiling truth that sweeps away the shroud of “mystery.” So it is with secrets.

Once uncovered, the secret is no longer “secret” but becomes available for decision-making regarding life direction and eternal destiny.

There has never been a more urgent time to discover THE SECRET OF THE LORD.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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