God, Guns, Constitution Town Hall Meeting


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On Saturday, February 2nd, a town hall meeting with God, Guns and The Constitution was held at the Richmond Christian Center here in Richmond, sponsored by the Virginia Christian Alliance, the Black Robe Regiment, the Coalition of African American Pastors and Warriors Arise!  Details of the speakers and organizations represented are below.

KATHERINE CALOS of the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported:510dd64420ba6.imageThe Rev. Joe Ellison (standing) spoke Saturday at the “God, Guns and The Constitution” forum at the Richmond Christian Center. Photo Courtesy of Joe Mahoney, Richmond-Times Dispatch

Those who stand strongly for a Second Amendment right to bear arms include the black pastors who organized a Saturday morning panel on “God, Guns and The Constitution.”

William Owens Jr., leader of Warriors Arise! Ministries, assembled the group of speakers at the Richmond Christian Center to reflect a variety of viewpoints.

Questions and comments from the audience of about 30 people tended to agree with Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, and Dennis Fusaro, former chairman of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, that the problem is a lack of moral values instead of a proliferation of guns.

“We have permitted as a Christian community for laws to be forced on us and have not drawn a line in the sand,” Owens said during a discussion of religion in schools.

In an early comment from the floor, Tricia Stall of the Foundation for American Christian Education called for the abolishment of government schools in favor of home schooling and Christian schools.

We would appreciate your donation.

Don Blake, chairman of the Virginia Christian Alliance, said on the panel that he would not disband public schools but would advocate that every school child in the state get a voucher to pay for whatever educational option the family chooses.  READ MORE

The flyer for the event has details of the speakers and organizations represented.  Below the flyer are the core principles of God, Guns and The Constitution, and this organization is available for a Town Hall Meeting in your area.


God, Guns and the Constitution Principles are:


God is believed to exist by most people in the world, and America has been the recipient of His blessings.  However, as a country, we are beginning to experience the consequences of decisions as far back as a half-century take place right before our eyes.

We have sidelined a God-conscience that enables each person to be self-governed.  Today we are witnessing the exact opposite, and unless we individually find the God void in our hearts, our nation will continue to plummet towards moral decadence and eventual destruction.  God is the only hope for America—unless He has already passed judgment on her.  Even if He has, those Americans who reverence Him must do what honors Him. In the end, this will work the righteousness that might provide our nation precious time to correct our wrongs.

Rome, as powerful as it was, was not destroyed by another empire.  Through moral, political, and spiritual decline it faded from power. Numerous Germanic tribes eventually overran Rome due to this decline.

Unless we as a country humbly recognize that our problem is our godless, pride filled arrogance, we, too, will be overcome by numerous tribes.  Or are we already too late?


The Second Amendment allows us to protect ourselves.  It was written by our Founders through experiencing the suffering people would endure if they are not able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

“We the People” must express our opinions on this matter. We must communicate and demonstrate our position in peaceful ways regarding the right to bear arms.  A president cannot, through an executive order, annul the Second Amendment. For a president to move in such a direction will include the capture of all firearms or “infringing” upon them in some way as to jeopardize our safety.

This debate must be purposeful and passionate and offer a call to action.


The United States Constitution is under severe attack, and without a clear agenda to engage the people and to position ourselves to follow the example of the Founding Fathers, we will allow the overreach of government to continue. Eventually, such overreach will become the norm until we will no longer recognize a free America.

People have studied and discussed the Constitution; now what remains is to defend the Constitution.  Are Americans ready to defend our rights and freedoms?  If so, to what extent?

The Constitution provides the foundation by which we establish our laws.  It is also the standard by which we expect our elected officials to lead.

What has happened?

We have failed to protect and defend it.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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