Jewish Democrats Under a Spell: Part 2


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revelation deep state

By Jan Markell | Rapture Ready

A few years ago I wrote an article about the loyalty the Jewish people show to the Democrat Party. I titled it “Under a Spell” because they truly are. I watched this spell among my own Jewish family members who all came from Minnesota’s Iron Range west of Duluth, MN.

At one time there was a substantial Jewish population in northern Minnesota as they escaped all the anti-Semitism in the bigger cities, particularly Minneapolis/St. Paul where Jews were persecuted and marginalized until more recent decades.

The History

In the 1940s, the Jews overwhelmingly supported a President who was their enemy – Franklin Roosevelt. Over 90% of Jews voted for him in 1944. He looked the other way to the evils of the Holocaust. He could have saved hundreds of thousands if American troops just would have bombed the railroad tracks going to the camps.

Roosevelt had no interest in intervening.

God removed him from the presidency before 1948, as he would not have voted for the independent State of Israel.

Many Jews voted for two anti-Semites – Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. No two U.S. Presidents did more damage to Israel than these men – yet they got the Jewish vote by and large, though the Jews grudgingly voted for Carter!

Today’s Insanity

Today, we have two Muslim Congresswomen, Ilhan Omar from Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib from Michigan. Ilhan Omar is a shady character at best and would delight in the destruction of Israel, but many Minnesota Jews voted for her! I know because I live here! It makes no sense. Isn’t it time to move on to someone who does care for the Jews and Israel??

Many Jews in Congress were outraged that Representatives Omar and Tlaib were banned from Israel recently. Some, such as Sen. Chuck Schumer, Jerold Nadler, Elliot Engel, and others, were vocal about this. Liberal values came before the cause of Israel and her safety and prosperity.

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Prominent Jewish organizations also scolded Israel for this decision, including The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), The Jewish Federation of North America, the Anti-Defamation League, and the American Jewish Committee.

I was present a few years ago at a local AIPAC meeting that featured another Muslim, Keith Ellison. What is a Muslim doing at ANY Jewish gathering?? He was celebrated that night with cheers. Ellison wants Sharia Law in Minnesota and other states! Yet Minnesota Jews were among those who voted Ellison in as Minnesota’s Attorney General.

Over 70% of American Jews voted for Hillary Clinton rather than Israel’s greatest Presidential friend, Donald Trump. They overwhelmingly voted for Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

So How Do We Make Sense of This?

  • Just as Evangelicals are taught to embrace candidates with more biblical principles and worldviews, Jews are taught to value the underdog in life – the persecuted, the minority, the downtrodden, the helpless. They have been told that only the Democrat Party can do that effectively. Since THEY are a minority, they must stand with other minorities who might be misunderstood, persecuted and marginalized. They haven’t learned that government only makes things worse.
  • Many Jews just lack a loyalty to Judaism and Israel. They actually have MORE loyalty to liberalism than to the Jewish State or their heritage. These are inconveniences.
  • Most often their grandparents fled from Socialist nations that were oppressive, yet leftist politics seems to remain in their DNA.
  • Israel was founded on Socialist principles. That is why President Eisenhower was not a friend of Israel, as his focus was defeating Socialism and Communism. He felt that Israel’s Socialism would end up in Communism eventually.
  • The Jews remain in spiritual blindness. Does this blindness bleed over into other areas? Perhaps. They cannot even see the Messiah in Isaiah 53. But Paul wouldn’t give up on the Jews, and neither should we!
  • Today, many Jews are secular and not religious. Secularists have no loyalty to traditional marriage, pro-life causes, religious freedom, etc. The result is their affinity for the Democrat Party and liberal values.
  • There is the perceived mistreatment by the Jews of the Palestinians, which drives some Jews away from conservatism and any identity with the “religious right.”
  • More religious Jews and Orthodox Jews have voted Republican consistently.

It Is Not Just the Jews Who Are Blind

The blindness of the Jews has already been referenced here, but it is not just Jews who are blind today. Much of the world cannot see truth. Even church members are blind to the signs of the times breaking all around us! Most Christians are focused on earthly interests, lacking the eternal view.

Those who see the truth and love the truth are few in number, be they Jew or Gentile! I call the real truth-seekers today “remnant believers.” 

And, I continue to pray that their numbers increase!



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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