Kansas Governor Signs Two Pro-Life Bills


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Topeka – Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed two pro-life bills today at the Statehouse in Topeka.  Lt. Governor Jeff Colyler, M.D. as well as dozens of state lawmakers and supporters joined the Governor for the signings of House Bill 2218 and House Bill 2035.

“This is an historic day,” Governor Brownback said.  “So many determined people have worked long and hard to get these bills passed and I am happy to sign them into law today.  These bills are a reflection of the culture of life that is being embraced all across Kansas.  They represent a mainstream, bi-partisan, and common sense approach to a divisive issue.”



AP Photo: Governor Brownback Signs Pro-Life Bills

HB 2218, the ‘fetal pain bill,’ strictly limits abortions after 22 weeks based on the fact that fetuses can feel pain beginning after the 21st week of pregnancy.

HB 2035, the Abortion Reporting Accuracy and Parental Rights Act, requires minors who seek abortions to obtain consent from both parents and places certain prohibitions on late-term and partial birth abortions.

“As a doctor, I am thrilled to see this important legislation that will protect vulnerable human life and the safety of pregnant women passed into law,” Dr. Colyer said.  “After years of hard work, the pro-life community should be proud their efforts have protected some of the most vulnerable in our society.”

HB 2218 passed the in the House by a vote of 91-30 and passed in the Senate 24-15.  HB 2035 passed in the House by a vote of 96-25 and passed in the Senate 24-15.

“As part of the Road Map for Kansas, Dr. Colyer and I pledged to protect Kansas families by supporting and defending the dignity of human life,” Gov. Brownback said.  “It is our calling to support the dignity of every human being whether that person is unemployed, undereducated, or unborn.”

Lawmakers joining the Governor today included Sen. Pat Apple (Louisburg), Sen. Ralph Ostmeyer (Grinnell), Sen. Mary Pilcher-Cook (Shawnee), Rep. Steve Brunk (Wichita), Rep. Jim Fawcett (Junction City), Rep. TerriLois Gregory (Baldwin City), Rep. Lance Kinzer (Olathe), Rep. Joe Patton (Topeka), Rep. John Rubin (Shawnee), and Rep. Jen Vickrey (Louisburg) as well as the Archbishop of the Archidiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Joseph F. Naumann, D.D. and representatives from Kansans for Life and the Kansas Catholic Conference.

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What other leaders are saying about HB2218 and HB 2035:

Senator Pat Apple, Louisburg “I am very pleased to stand with Gov. Sam Brownback as he  igns this significant legislation into law. These measures are intended to reduce the number of abortions in Kansas. Giving a voice to those who cannot speak and protection for those that are vulnerable remains a very high priority for me. This is the beginning of a process to rehabilitate Kansas’ image from one of the most permissive states in the nation to a state with a higher standard.” 

Senator Garrett Love, Montezuma “I was pleased to have the opportunity to support these pieces of legislation that will help our state take a big step forward in protecting the life of the unborn child.” 

Senator Ralph Ostmeyer, Grinnell “What a blessing to have a pro-life Governor that protects the unborn. These prolife bills are long overdue and hope this 2011 Legislature passes Clinic Licensing bill out also.”

Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook “This is an historic day for Kansas and represents significant progress towards making a Kansas a place where life is always cherished and protected in our laws. “

Representative Steve Brunk, Wichita “This is a significant advancement in the public dialogue that the child in the mother womb is a living human being.  Before viability was define by our ability to keep a child alive outside the womb based on established technology but not on the development of the human being.  This provides a more appropriate benchmark for late term abortions.  It is passed due and approval that this type of legislation should be passed in state legislatures across the country.” 

Representative Lance Kinzer, Olathe“This is a tremendous day for the cause of life in Kansas.  The credit goes to the countless Kansans who have toiled for decades to tell the truth regarding the tragedy of abortion.  As we rejoice in this day, we should never forget that the pro-life movement is ultimately not about what happens in legislative chambers or court rooms, but rather rest on extending a consistent message of compassion and human dignity in order to change human hearts.  The need to remain focused on this core objective is more pressing than ever.” 

Representative Jim Fawcett, Junction City “I strongly believe in the sanctity of human life and am pleased these bills are being signed into law today.”

Representative TerriLois Gregory, Baldwin City“I am pleased Governor Brownback has signed these important pieces of pro-life legislation into law.  They are reasonable measures to defend the health and safety of women in Kansas and better protect the lives of the unborn. I look forward to continuing this work and applaud the Governor for his continuing leadership on these issues.”

Representative John Grange, El Dorado“A majority of Kansans have always made it clear they do not approve of late-term abortions in Kansas. Today marks an important achievement as previous attempts to pass similar legislation have failed. Under Governor Brownback’s leadership, Kansans can now rest assured that good, responsible pro-life legislation becomes law.”

Representative John J. Rubin, Shawnee “For far too long, Kansas has regrettably been known as the late term abortion capital of America.  Now, with enactment of HB 2035 and HB 2218, we have at last taken much needed steps to preserve the lives and health of late-term expectant mothers in Kansas; to protect and assist pregnant minors, especially those who are victims of statutory rape and sexual assault; and to defend the most defenseless among us and give a voice to the voiceless, by bringing the force of our law to bear to protect our pain-capable unborn children.” 

Representative Joe Patton, Topeka  “These bills contain common sense provisions that the vast majority of Kansans agree with.  Requiring parental consent for minors, restricting late term abortions and no abortions performed when the child can feel pain are all reasonable steps taken by the legislature.”

Representative Jene Vickrey, Louisburg  “My wife Teresa and our family are thankful for this day.  Our four children Jacob, Jasmine, Joshua and Johanna are adopted.  We are forever grateful for life.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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