Laus Deo! “America’s Godly Heritage” Seminars and Tour

Dean Welty

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Breaking News! We are now offering two fall seminars on America’s Godly Heritage, both of which begin in only three weeks, and the Heritage Tour of Washington DC follows just four weeks later. Spaces are still available for all, but please get your reservations in as soon as possible. Details follow.

Two Choices — America: A Christian Nation? — Reserve Now

  1. Laus Deo! “America’s Godly Heritage” Seminars & Tour, 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 7 – Dec. 8
  2. Second Option: 6:30, p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 8 – Dec. 10

Bonus: Heritage Tour of Washington DC on Saturday, Nov. 8

“He who controls the past, controls the future. He controls the present, controls the past.” George Orwell

Tuesdays: America’s Godly Heritage Seminar

The Why: As we grow older, we appreciate more than ever the importance of knowing where we came from so we can better understand who we are and where we are going. We can then pass that wonderful heritage and hope for a better future on to our children and grandchildren. It’s our call.

The What: To that end, we invite you to join our 13th annual series of “America’s Godly Heritage” seminars that will be held on the banks of Lake Shenandoah each Tuesday evening from Oct. 7 to Dec. 9. The cost is $25/person or $30/couple, including text and study guide.

The How: The seminar begins with a study of the Biblical models and mandates for government. It proceeds to examine our Judeo-Christian heritage from the early settlers to our birth as a nation, identifies the enduring values and beliefs that guided our Founding Fathers, and reviews the key documents that embody those principles.

We would appreciate your donation.

It then explores ways in which we have strayed from those beginnings and concludes with suggestions for how we can reclaim that heritage and return to our moral and religious foundations.

The Sign-Up: For reservations, reply by return e-mail to or call (540) 438¬-8966. Enrollment is limited.

Wednesdays: A Second Seminar Option

The Freedom Baptist Church is offering the same seminar on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:30. The materials and facilitators are the same as for the Tuesday seminar. The church is located at 141 Pleasant Hill Rd. in Harrisonburg. For additional details and reservations, call (540) 433¬-5709 or send an e-mail to

* * * *

Saturday, Nov. 8: America’s Godly Heritage Tour

The When and Where: You are also invited to join the Forum’s 8th annual “Heritage Tour” of Washington DC to celebrate God’s imprint on our nation’s capitol.

The What: The tour includes the Capitol Visitor Center and a guided tour of the Capitol itself, the Arlington Cemetery, a walking tour of the monuments and memorials on the Capitol Mall, and more! It’s full of surprises. For example, what two words are written at the top of the Washington Monument!

The How & the Who: The chartered bus will leave from the Home Depot in Harrisonburg at 6:00 a.m. and return around 9:00 p.m. The cost of $30/person includes access to all sites, with discounts for groups of 10 or more. This is ideal for church and civic groups, Sunday School classes, or family outings.

The Sign Up: Seats are filling up, so please get your reservations in as soon as possible by e-mail to or by calling 438-8966.

For God and Country,

Dean WeltyDean Welty is VCA Vice-President and Director of the Valley Family Forum, a network of families in the Shenandoah Valley that helps build Faith, Family, and Freedom in the culture and in the public square. He also hosts a weekly television program entitled “Valley Faith in Action”.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord! (Ps. 33:12)


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Dean Welty
Dean Welty is Founder and Director of the Valley Family Forum, a network of families in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia that works to defend and advance issues of Life, Faith, Family, and Freedom in the culture and in the public square. He has developed and led numerous seminars on “America’s Godly Heritage” and “Capstone: The Christian’s Role in Culture and Public Policy”, hosted a weekly television program entitled “Valley Faith in Action”, and is co-host of a weekly radio program entitled “Crossroads: Where Faith and Culture Meet”. He is a former public school teacher, overseas missionary, and senior diplomat with assignments in Asia, Washington, New York with the U.S. Mission to the UN, and as a Congressional Fellow on Capitol Hill. Dean and his wife Janet live in Harrisonburg, VA.
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