On March 24, in a small church building very near to the Henrico Courthouse complex, Ms. Lisa Benson presented her assessment of the current standing of Islam’s influence in the Richmond community. Lisa Benson, who lives in Phoenix, AZ, hosts a weekly radio show with a national and international audience. Lisa has been writing and speaking about the Islamic threat and national security matters for many years. She works with many esteemed national security experts.
Prior to her presentation, Lisa visited several Islamic sites in Richmond and spoke with area residents who are familiar with or involved in our local issues.
Ms. Lisa Benson presenting her assessment of the
current standing of Islam’s influence
in the Richmond community.About 100 people attended the event and most were not aware of the level of Islamic influence in the Richmond area. Currently there are 22 Mosques, 17 restaurants that provide Islamic prayer space – many with American names, 2 Sunni schools, 40 Halal restaurants (also those with American names and serving American food), and 26 Halal markets. This information can be found at http://www.salatomatic.com. Enter your area in the search field.
Information about local Imams can also be found on the internet by visiting the websites for each mosque. The Richmond area is home to some very well-trained, foreign-national Sharia law Imams.
The American people are just now beginning to ask questions and learn about the infiltration of Islam and its impact on our communities.
The people of Henrico are soon to feel more Islamic influence as a new mosque VCA Chairman Don Blakehas opened and a 30,000 sq. ft. mosque is in development. Both of these are just a short distance from Henrico’s seat of government. Another mosque is located in Henrico’s trendy Glen Allen area.
People are saying, “who knew?” Everyone knows the story of the frog in the slowly boiling pot of water. This meeting was a real eye-opener for those in attendance who were not previously aware of the local situation. A local task force has been formed to gather and disseminate more information via facebook and the web. We encourage other locales to follow suit.
The invocation was offered by Sherrie Moore, a Richmond area prayer leader. The meeting closed with the audience standing and singing “God Bless America”. Mr. Jay Ipson, founder of The Virginia Holocaust Museum sounded the shofar at the closing as watchmen on the wall might have done in Nehemiah’s day.
Become involved in this issue and other critical issues impacting our community, contact us today!
Virginia Christian Alliance, Henrico, Virginia (804) 261-1570
or email; admin@VaChristian.org