May 25, Memorial Day

Circling between the Capitol Square Bell Tower and Historic St. John’s Church where Patrick Henry gave his famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech! (9th & Franklin St to 24th & E. Broad St) Join the motorcade at any point
Meetup 10 am – parking lot 7th and Grace –
(We are being shadow banned. PLEASE SHARE!)
Monday, May 25, 2020
11 am to 2 pm
covid-19 did NOT eliminate the BILL OF RIGHTS!
Join the Memorial Day rolling rally in honor of those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom and send the message that we will not willingly sacrifice that freedom by continuing the fight for Liberty during the current government overreach and infringement upon our God-given rights.
Circling between the Capitol Square Bell Tower and Historic St. John’s Church where Patrick Henry gave his famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech! (9th & Franklin St to 24th & E. Broad St) Join the motorcade at any point. If you need a place to attach signs and flags to your vehicle, use the free parking lot at 7th & Grace Sts.
When Patrick Henry faced an increasingly tyrannical government, the questions he asked [St. John’s Church, 1775] are just as valid today. “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains, and slavery?” How about the price of economic collapse and human despair?
When Patrick Henry faced an increasingly tyrannical government, the questions he asked [St. John’s Church, 1775] are just as valid today. “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains, and slavery?”
How about the price of economic collapse and human despair?
Got Cabin Fever?
See You There!