Fellow pastor,
“Gentlemen, we have run out of money. It is time to start thinking,” said Earnest Rutherford. Federal spending is now at crisis levels. No one can spend more money than he/she receives without consequences – not even Washington, DC!
Pastors, we must start thinking about how federal debt and deficits impact on our local congregations and communities. Please join other local pastors for “One Nation Under Money,” an informative and frank discussion about America’s financial condition. An action plan will be provided. Will we be proactive or reactive? It is still our choice; but for how long?
The economic condition in America can no longer be framed as right versus left. It is right versus wrong. Proverbs 13:22a declares, “A wise man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” Our children’s “inheritance” is nearly $17,000,000,000,000 (17 trillion) in debt and continues to grow. THIS IS NOT WISDOM; nor IT IS MORAL!
Pastors were, are, and must continue to be the moral conscience of this nation. Our collective silence on this issue is too loud. Ayn Rand said, “You can evade reality but you cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.” The spending addiction of Washington legislators is real and continues to negatively affect our congregations and local communities. Join with other pastors and bring a member of your congregation to “One Nation Under Money” who can assist in communicating this critical information with your flock. Everyone is affected by economics – our family, church, neighbors, and community.
As shepherds, we must equip our flock with truth – truth that explains biblical stewardship and accurately describes America’s financial condition. If, in the future, you ever hear someone from your congregation ask, “Pastor, why didn’t you tell us about America’s monetary problems?” your response, after attending this conference, can be, “I tried but you did not listen.”
Thank you for what you do for your congregation(s) and continue to make a difference,
Pastor Travis E. Witt
Foundation for America