Search Results for rapture

Discerning This Evil Day

Carefully read Romans 1:18–32 prophecy. It is astonishing how much it says about the human condition at the time of Christ’s next catastrophic intervention into mankind’s rebellion.

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China, Taiwan, and Bible Prophecy

A number of questions have come in with the worry over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s Vladimir Putin seems to be in the process of fulfilling the Gog-Magog prophecy in the opinion of some of those among whom have sent emails, etc.

The Time is Near (Part 2 of 3)

The nations of the world are tracking toward the anti-Israel alignment foretold in Bible prophecy. Technology has advanced to the point that the dire and fantastic dystopian warnings offered in Revelation are feasible today.

Restraint and the Nuclear Demon

I believe that it is God’s mighty hand that will continue to restrain the nuclear demon–and all other wickedness—until the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit who indwells believers in Christ—is removed when we are called into the clouds to be with Jesus for eternity.

Satanic Chosen Control Mechanism Tightening

Satan’s mechanism for establishing control over the world’s populations is in place. It is but one element of his blueprint for constructing Antichrist’s platform that will end with billions of deaths during the last seven years leading up to Christ’s Second Advent.

Markell: When the Remnant Grows Weary

Society is being prepped for the Antichrist and as prophecy-loving believers try to warn, the words are falling on a lot of deaf ears.
The stage is being set for a closing act.