Part II Day of Silence-Who Are the Sexual Perversion Pushers in the Schools?

Linda Wall1

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Linda Wall1by Linda Wall | Virginia Mass Resistance

Homosexuality is one of the numerous sexual perversions spreading through society like an out of control California brush fire. It destroys everything in its path. I know this because I was a part of it until I reached the end of my “rope of homosexuality”. A day did come that I realized I was wrong, I needed forgiveness and I needed the Lord Jesus Christ.

Part I The Day of Silence – “We’re Coming After Your Children
Part II The Day of Silence-Who Are the Sexual Perversion Pushers in the Schools?
Part III: The Day of Silence – The Devastation and The Lies
Part IV The Day of Silence – The Rape of Children and Infants

This year the sexual perversion day, Day of Silence, is being celebrated in the public schools of America on April 15. The perversion is pushed in the schools by political activists through The Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and Parents, Families/Friends of Lesbians/Gays (PFLAG). These two organizations push one-sided information to the students. They distribute sexually explicit materials and direct confused or questioning students to homosexual and transgender affirming entities outside the schools.

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Four celebratory events have been created in the schools to promote the agenda of sexual perversion: No Name Calling in January, Day of Silence in April, Ally Week in October and Transgender Day of Remembrance in November. It is very likely that they all are occurring in a school near you.

GLSEN and PFLAG have not acted alone. The National Education Association (NEA) is the director of all of the corruption aimed at the children via public education. Just look up the NEA’s Resolutions from their Conventions of the last thirty years and you will see one good reason to pull the children out of public schools. The NEA’s right arm is the Parent Teachers Association (PTA). Many years ago the once mom and pop and teacher living next door organization was taken over by sexual perversion pushers and now works hand in hand with the NEA.

So what is a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, pastor, etc. to do?

To start:


  • Do you permit students to refuse to speak during instructional time on the Day of Silence?
  • Do you permit teachers to refuse to speak during instructional time on the Day of Silence?
  • Prior to the Day of Silence, do you notify all parents about it, including sharing complete information about GLSEN’s role in organizing and providing materials for it and informing parents about what will be permitted in the classroom?


  • Do you create classroom assignments or activities that accommodate student-refusal to speak on the Day of Silence?
  • Do you teach lessons on oppression, censorship, or bullying in class on the Day of Silence?
  • Will you be using any information from GLSEN to shape or inform your activities on the Day of Silence?
  • If you accommodate student-refusal to speak and/or shape activities around ideas promoted by GLSEN for the Day of Silence, will you be notifying parents ahead of time?



Inform the school of your intention to keep your children home on that date and explain why.

Visit for complete information on opposing the Day of Silence

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.
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