Priest: Challenge your pastors to ‘speak the truth’ against abortion

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Pete Baklinski | LifeSite News

 FLORIDA, November 23, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Healthcare, women’s rights, and social justice are all good things, until they are taken over and used by the enemy to kill by abortion and now euthanasia, said a Catholic priest during a National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children in a video published on Youtube November 22. 

“The enemy has co-opted the language,” said Father Michael Orsi, former Ave Maria Law School chaplain, in a speech during the September 9 event in Florida. 

We want everyone to have healthcare, he said, except the term is often used by lawmakers for “another agenda” which is “the main agenda, which is abortion.”

Orsi, who is on the pastoral team of St. Agnes Church in Naples, Florida, said the main reason that Republicans and Democrats failed to come together to pass a healthcare law is because of the law’s proposal to “eliminate” abortion as healthcare. 

“That’s exactly the reason why. And the elites in both parties, Republicans and Democrats, do not want to lose the ‘right to abortion.’ Why? Because it is the way of the elites to change the culture and to get control of the lives of those whom they see as lesser beings than they are. Do not be fooled by that,” he said. 

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The priest decried taxpayer money going to fund “healthcare” offered by abortion provider Planned Parenthood. 

“Be clear that half-a-billion dollars a year is going to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood performs over 350,000 abortions a year. Very little of that money is going to any other service for women. So is that healthcare? Well, no, not for the baby, I assure you that,” he said. 

Orsi insisted on respect for women’s rights, but he said the enemy has taken over this phrase so that it has come to mean that a woman has “rights over her own body” and the “right” to destroy the life of the child inside her body “at will.” 

“If you want to hear about rights, then let’s talk about the right to life, [from] the beginning of life and [to] the end,” he said. 

The priest said racial and social justice is “extremely important to the human family if we are going to live together in peace and harmony.” But, he decried those who spread a “politics of division, trying to have people of different races different religions different nationalities fighting each other for what they think is there fair share of the earth’s goods.” 

“And when that happens no one succeeds, everybody loses. And that’s not social justice. That’s corruption of the human family, social injustice. It is a lie. It is destructive to the human spirit. And when people use the politics of division, they are merely trying to gain power for themselves, to control those who have no power,” he said. 

Father Orsi squarely blamed pastors as the ones most responsible for the continued existence of abortion in America. 

“Who is responsible for this great blight on our society, this murder of the innocents? First and foremost let me tell you it is the pastors,” he said. 

“But nobody wants to say that. How many times have you heard abortion preached against in your churches? Very seldom and in very few churches. What you find most of all in our churches these days, ‘we are a welcoming community.’ You know what that means? [It means], ‘come in here we are all nicey-nice. We don’t want to offend you even when you are destroying your soul and you’re destroying human life,’” he added. 

Orsi encouraged pro-lifers to challenge their pastors to “speak the truth in the churches.” He said that pastors must then “speak to the politicians and hold their feet to the fire,” telling them of their duty to pass laws that prevent abortion.

“Pastors must be strong in encouraging the politicians [regarding] what is necessary for them in order to maintain our vote, or else we will elect new politicians who will,” he said. 

Pastors must also remind politicians “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul,” he added.

Father Orsi told those who want to see justice for preborn babies targeted for abortion that they must not be “fooled” by ‘healthcare’ and ‘women’s rights’ when these phrases are used by lawmakers as “euphemisms” for murder.

“Know what lies beneath them. And you speak the truth and let [lawmakers] know that you are onto their game,” he said. 


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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