Pro-life baby parts investigator: ‘Unconscionable’ for FDA to experiment on aborted kids

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planned_parenthood_sign-1Claire Chretien | LifeSite News

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 21, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Food and Drug Administration’s experimentation with aborted baby body parts “has to stop and it has to stop now,” the activist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue trafficking said today.

David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, noted that the experiments are still occurring “under the pro-life Trump administration.”

“The exploitation of our unborn brothers and sisters is only able to be perpetuated so long as secrecy surrounds the practice of industrial-scale, taxpayer-funded child killing in the abortion industry in America,” Daleiden told the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC today.

That’s why this summer’s news that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “has renewed a contract for baby body parts with the company of Advanced Bioscience Resources, ABR” is so important, the pro-life activist told the annual gathering of social conservatives.

ABR “is one of the entities purchasing baby body parts from Planned Parenthood and reselling them, that was the subject of criminal referrals by the Congressional investigations and is under DOJ investigation right now,” he explained.

“The FDA is as of this summer signing a new contract with ABR to purchase ‘fresh’ aborted baby body parts for top-dollar in taxpayer money,” Daleiden lamented. “It’s unconscionable that the United States government would be sending the message with taxpayer dollars that these children are worth more to the U.S. government dead than alive.”

The FDA’s experimentation, which pro-life leaders have condemned as a “gruesome practice,” involves creating “humanized” mice – rodents that have been injected with the tissue from aborted babies.

“Fresh human tissues are required for implantation into severely immune-compromised mice to create chimeric animals that have a human immune system,” the FDA says. “This human immune system allows us to test biological drug products for safety and efficacy. This is necessary because these drug products do not bind non-human species drug targets.”

In 2015, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood abortionists and executives negotiating over baby body parts prices, picking through dishes of tiny organs, and describing how they illegally alter abortion procedures in order to obtain more profitable body parts.

In addition to illuminating the barbarity of dismembering babies in the womb, Daleiden’s videos showed abortion industry officials admitting the humanity of those babies as they discussed beheading them and collecting their “intact hearts,” brains, and livers. In one video taken at the National Abortion Federation conference, abortionists admitted what they did is “killing,” complained about how “difficult” it is to tear apart a fetus, and lamented that they’re not given a place to discuss the “heads that get stuck that we can’t get out.”

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CMP’s videos resulted in two Congressional investigations and one by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Daleiden’s undercover journalism also led to a raid on his home, the California Attorney General charging him with 15 felonies, and ongoing court battles about a gag order preventing Daleiden from releasing more damning videos.

“It’s imperative that all of us make sure that our voices…are heard,” Daleiden said. “It’s imperative that the videos continue to be shared, continue to be viewed, and that policy makers and your elected representatives know that you don’t want taxpayer dollars to be going to fund the commodification of our unborn brothers and sisters like widgets on an assembly line.”

“I think it’s a really important problem right now that’s been revealed this summer that the FDA, under the pro-life Trump administration – the pro-life HHS – is still contracting with the very baby body parts companies that were criminally referred by the U.S. Congress and are under investigation by DOJ and FBI right now,” Daleiden told LifeSiteNews. “Just last year, the NIH [National Institutes of Health] spent $100 million on fetal experimentation, on projects using aborted baby body parts. And $20 million of that was for ‘intramural research’ – experiments being done in government-run laboratories and government office buildings at the NIH.”

“When you commodify human beings, and you commodify the body parts of aborted children, [then] you create incentives for abortions to happen,” he continued. “When you commodify human beings, you create incentives for bad things to happen.”

“What the taxpayer-funded system is saying right now is that these kids are worth more dead than alive…It has to stop and it has to stop now.”

Persecution through prosecution: Selective targeting of CMP is ‘politically motivated’

The videos Daleiden recorded must be liberated for “all the world and all of history to see,” he said.

Thanks to a civil lawsuit from the National Abortion Federation (NAF), some of those videos are being censored by a court order right now and have yet to be released. Daleiden told LifeSiteNews that this fall his legal team will ask the federal court to throw the case out and dissolve the gag order, and offered insight as to why this very well may happen.

“Totally out of the blue this summer, the National Abortion Federation – which is the one that has the gag order over the remaining unreleased videos…asked us if we would agree to settle the case,” he explained. NAF’s only condition for settling was that CMP never release its remaining videos.

Daleiden rejected that offer.

Two weeks later, NAF dropped over half of their lawsuit, “including all their federal claims, which means they have no reason to be in front of Judge [William] Orrick anymore.”

Read: Tucker Carlson on banned Planned Parenthood video: ‘If there was ever a time for civil disobedience…’

That judge was involved with the establishment of a Planned Parenthood facility before he became a judge, something CMP has long argued biases him unfairly in the case.

With over half of the NAF lawsuit dropped, Daleiden’s remaining legal troubles are a civil lawsuit from Planned Parenthood – set to go to trial in 2019 – and the 15 felony counts brought by the California Attorney General’s office.

He faces 14 charges of unlawful recording – California requires consent from both parties being recorded – and one of conspiracy to unlawfully record video. The charges were dropped at one point but in a way that allowed for them to be re-opened.

“We are moving to have that entire case thrown out as a discriminatory, politically-motivated prosecution,” said Daleiden, noting that many California journalists, such as those from CBS Los Angeles and Fox News Los Angeles, “are routinely doing undercover videos and broadcasting [them] – sometimes in situations that actually are arguably rather confidential – not out in public, not out in a crowded restaurant, but actually potentially more confidential settings.”

However, “none of them are being prosecuted under the California video recording law” and “none of them have heard from the Attorney General’s office.”

“My case is the only case that the Attorney General’s office has ever prosecuted [for] undercover video in a news-gathering content,” he said. “We’re seeking to have it thrown out under a special mechanism of California law to dismiss a politically motivated and discriminatory [lawsuit]…this prosecution was only brought because of viewpoint discrimination.”

Daleiden said the judge hearing that case, Christopher Hite, is “reasonable, open-minded,” and “didn’t found a Planned Parenthood clinic before becoming a judge.”

Regarding Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against him, Daleiden speculated the abortion company may not want to go through with it after all.

“We’ll see what happens with the DOJ investigation,” he said. “And Planned Parenthood may find very soon that it’s just not worth it to have to go through the legal process where their abortion doctors and their executives will be under oath.”

He also revealed that CMP has learned that “just two weeks before the raid on my home that Kamala Harris’s office ordered, Kamala Harris met in person with six Planned Parenthood executives from California.” Harris is the former California Attorney General and now U.S. Senator. “We have the action items from that meeting.”

“They were blatantly and shamelessly mixing the political agendas of Planned Parenthood and the Attorney General’s office and the law enforcement authority of the Attorney General. They colluded together to weaponize the California justice system against a political enemy.”


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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