Silent No More: Fighting the War on Women and on Life!

Dean Welty

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No Give Up and No Give In — Until We Win!

“Make no mistake.  Abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution.  (Roe v. Wade was) an act of ‘raw judicial power’ (and) has become a continuing prod to the conscience of the nation. … We cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others … should be abandoned to abortion …”  President Ronald Reagan, from “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation”, 1983

 “I hereby proclaim and declare the unalienable person-hood of every American, from conception to natural death (and have asked) the Legislative branch … to protect the life of each person before birth.”  President Ronald Reagan, A Presidential Proclamation, 1988

The Context:  Why We Can’t Stay Silent

What a difference between President Reagan and President Obama.  Reagan fought to protect life.  Obama fights for laws that end life by his support of Roe v. Wade , the outrageous 1973 Supreme Court decision that has led to the dismemberment and slaughter of over 56 million unborn babies.  That is over 3,000 every day in abortuaries across the land that prey on confused and hurting women to destroy their babies – for bloody gain.

Therefore, because we cannot and will not stay silent in the face of this continuing American Holocaust, our Valley delegation joined hundreds of thousands of other pro-life marchers in Washington yesterday to mark the 42nd anniversary of that decision.

It was a protest against present evil but also a call for real “Hope and Change”.  We called on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and also on Congress and the President to enact and enforce new laws that would once again ban abortions and protect all innocent human life from conception until natural death.

The Rally on the Mall

Unlike former President Bush who always addressed these pre-March rallies, Obama was again glaringly but predictably absent for the sixth straight year.   However, his destructive pro-abortion policies were not.

Therefore, members of Congress along with other nationally known speakers repeatedly challenged him to reverse course and to speak out for unborn babies who are being snuffed out by abortion just as he has done on numerous occasions on the death of other innocent victims such as those killed at Newtown two years ago.

The March on the Supreme Court

We then began the long March from our location near the White House, wound around the Capitol, and then paused in front of the Supreme Court for a period of reflection and prayer.

We would appreciate your donation.

Unfortunately, a second bill entitled the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” aimed at banning all abortions after 20 weeks was derailed from a floor vote at the last minute by several wobbly Republicans who backed away from their earlier support.  However, it is not finished and is certain to be brought up again.

Please take a minute to thank Cong. Goodlatte and to encourage him in this ongoing battle for life.  You can do so at

Enduring Impressions – For Life

We returned to the Valley impressed by the unity for life that crosses lines of faith, race, age, gender, and nationality.  The high-energy enthusiasm from so many young marchers who refer to themselves as “The Pro-Life Generation” renews our hope that this flame for life will continue to burn brightly.

In addition to carrying many signs that simply said “Stop Abortion Now”, a number of these young marchers also wore shirts with a message that underscored their determination to continue this fight, as follows:

You will not silence my message.
You will not mock my God.
You will stop killing my generation.

The Road Ahead

We know this march will not be the last, but it does take us one step closer to the day when all innocent human life will again be protected in America.  We are especially grateful to our predominantly Catholic friends for their faithful commitment to and leadership of this ongoing battle for life in America.

However, it is also a reminder of the need for every church and every priest, pastor, and rabbi to help lead this cause because, as one friend put it, “If every church in America spoke out against abortion, it would fall like a house of cards.”

Therefore, please plan to join us next year, if necessary, because “We won’t give up, we won’t give in, and we won’t stop until we win!

For Life!

We were joined there by scores of women holding black placards with white lettering that said simply “I Regret My Abortion.”  We listened to their tragic but courageous stories of physical, spiritual, and emotional trauma following their abortions, destroying the lie that abortions are “good” for women.

They exposed the true War on Women, led by Obama and his pro-abortion allies like Planned Parenthood and NARAL, who share responsibility for the unreported Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) of guilt and loss that plagues women after their abortions.  And that is why, in their own words, they vow to be Silent No More.

A Bonus!  Congressman Goodlatte Hails a Victory!

The Valley delegation also met with Cong. Bob Goodlatte immediately before the March to celebrate passage of a pro-life law that had won approval on the floor of Congress just moments before our meeting.  (Click on March for Life for the picture of that meeting.)  WHSV-TV also recorded that meeting along with comments by several delegation members.

Entitled the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”, the legislation would permanently codify several other existing amendments that already prohibit such funding but which need to be reauthorized every year.  The final vote was 242-179, with 239 Republicans and three Democrats voting for the ban while 178 Democrats and one Republican voted against it.

Cong. Goodlatte characterized the vote as a sign of “our nation’s renewed commitment to protect life and encourage a society that supports life at all stages. …  We must speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and allow them the fundamental human right to be born into this world. (This) is just one step towards the protection of life that I enthusiastically support.

Dean WeltyDean Welty serves on the Board of Directors for the Virginia Christian Alliance and is Director of the Valley Family Forum, a network of families in the Shenandoah Valley that helps build Faith, Family, and Freedom in the culture and in the public square. He also hosts a weekly television program entitled “Valley Faith in Action“.



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Dean Welty
Dean Welty is Founder and Director of the Valley Family Forum, a network of families in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia that works to defend and advance issues of Life, Faith, Family, and Freedom in the culture and in the public square. He has developed and led numerous seminars on “America’s Godly Heritage” and “Capstone: The Christian’s Role in Culture and Public Policy”, hosted a weekly television program entitled “Valley Faith in Action”, and is co-host of a weekly radio program entitled “Crossroads: Where Faith and Culture Meet”. He is a former public school teacher, overseas missionary, and senior diplomat with assignments in Asia, Washington, New York with the U.S. Mission to the UN, and as a Congressional Fellow on Capitol Hill. Dean and his wife Janet live in Harrisonburg, VA.
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