
Famine Coming

Our appearance before our Lord and Savior in the clouds of glory could be in the very next moment, and we will then find ourselves before the bema—the judgment seat of Christ. With the rewards presented by Christ for the work we did in His holy name while we lived on earth,

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The ‘Enslave the Planet’ Cult, Guess Who’s in It?

Those gathering at this meeting are among the ones deciding just how the rest of us are going to live our lives, what rights we’ll have (regardless of local constitutions) and how the world will be run. Can you guess which sheep in wolves’ clothing are on the invitation list?

Day 5: The Fitting Of Technocracy And Transhumanism

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population. Transhumanists and Technocrats represent a new type of radicalness that the world has never seen before.

Daniel’s Floodgate

The book of final prophecies that Daniel was told to “shut up…and seal.. even to the time of the end” seems to now be open, its contents spilling across our newspapers’ front pages and our television and computer screens (see Daniel 12:4).