
Now it’s Time to Ask Questions

How are the unvaccinated threatening the vaccinated if the vaccine works to lessen the symptoms—and the likelihood of death—but those with the vaccine can still get and spread the virus?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming… Nothing.

the New Word Order is WELL underway in executing their plan and NOTHING is going to stop them this can all be found in the Bible. Daniel 9:25-27 as well as Revelation 11-13 paints a picture of what is to come

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

Nathan Jones | Lamb and Lion Ministries Nathan Jones: Doesn’t it seem like God has been showering signs all over the world to indicate that Jesus…

On Earth As It Is in Heaven

The dominion mandate in Genesis 1:28 has not expired. God has given the world into the hands of mankind, and when Christians take part in this dominion the world should see life flourish.

Daniel’s Dream Developing

Forced vaccines and all other overreaches will seem as nothing when the “man of sin” takes over the reins of the final form of the Babylonian system.
Jesus will be that “stone” that will bring that thoroughly beastly rulership down in thunderous collapse.

The Gospel of Intolerance

A prophetic message – either one that confronts the sins of the culture or simply proclaims the exclusivity of Christ as Savior and Lord – often produces a terrible backlash from the culture that bears the brunt of it, and that reaction can cause the church to shrink back from its prophetic calling. 

The Meaning of Man

The Virginia Christian Alliance endorses the Institute of Creation Research “which wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks…