Now it’s Time to Ask Questions

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The answers may bring you peace.*

By J. Jeff Toler, for Shenandoah Christian Alliance

Our friend, Allie Beth Stucky took to YouTube recently following the president’s vaccine mandates, with a very compelling, fact-filled message. From the transcript, we have to wonder, “How are the unvaccinated threatening the vaccinated if the vaccine works to lessen the symptoms—and the likelihood of death—but those with the vaccine can still get and spread the virus?” We think it’s a pretty important question.

The Evening  Standard reported at the end of August“Researchers from the University of Oxford found the viral load reduction can be wiped out by the Delta variant, which is now dominant in the UK.”

“While evidence demonstrates that vaccines significantly reduce hospitalizations and deaths, scientists now believe those infected by the Delta variant can still harbor similar levels of virus to those who are unvaccinated.”

Apparently the vaccinated can still carry the same viral load. Does this mean if we get what’s called a breakthrough infection after being vaccinated, are we just as likely to pass it on to someone to someone else as an unvaccinated infected person? That seems to be the conclusion.

We could say we’re less likely to get the infection in the first place if we have the vaccine. That’s what the CDC is telling us. That is how vaccines are supposed to work. But according to Johns Hopkins University data, the COVID case rate is three times higher than it was last Labor Day in the United States, despite having more than half the country fully vaccinated. We didn’t have a vaccine this time last year—a vaccine the CDC says is very effective against the Delta variant.

At Cornell University, where 95% of the campus faculty and staff are fully vaccinated, The College Fix reports, “Cornell University has more than five times the amount of confirmed positive cases during its first week of this academic year than it did during its first week of the 2020-21 academic year, according to the Cornell COVID dashboard.”

“By the numbers, during the first week of school that ran from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2 of this academic year, Cornell reported 322 positive COVID-19 cases.”

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“In comparison, during the first week of school last year, which ran from Sept. 3 through Sept. 9 of 2020, Cornell reported 59 positive COVID-19 cases.”

If 95% of the campus is fully vaccinated, why is the virus spreading more than last year? Similarly, Duke University reported 29 medical students, and seven members of the women’s field hockey team became infected, with all of them vaccinated as Duke requires. Duke, also has a very strict indoor mask mandate.

Singapore has the second highest vaccination rate in the world, with 80% of the population fully vaccinated. Yet according to Sydney Morning Herald new case numbers are higher than what we saw at the height of the pandemic last year when no one was vaccinated. What’s going on here? First, the increases in new cases are usually mild, and Fatality rates may actually be falling.  [Finding statistical data online is becoming increasingly difficult—edit.]

But the first question anyone with good sense should ask is, “Why must we be demanded to vaccinate, but discouraged from treatment?”

For most of us, our suspicions about new developments—and the attendant government responses, which seem decidedly authoritarian, have begun to coalesce. Because we often lack enough medical research of our own, we might rely on very credible documentaries like this one; cautiously, because we believe that questioning the narrative will not be tolerated. This can only confirm our suspicions. We are not comfortable with going against the grain, and bucking the system since compliance is better than getting arrested—or being shunned and marginalized by our family, friends, and neighbors.

Recently though, something remarkable happened. The internet exploded when Nikki Minaj, a very popular black female rapper, tweeted to her 22.5 million followers, that one of her Trinidad cousins’ friends became impotent after he recently received the vaccine. As a result, Minaj revealed, his fiancé called off the wedding.

22.5 million Twitter followers. That’s a lot of fans. But her Instagram account is nearly seven times that, with over 156 million followers! (according to Wikipedia) Never mind that. It didn’t take very long at all before the media, the tech oligarchs, and the party apparatchiks jumped all over her. It began with Joy Reid, a rather nasty-dispositioned MSNBC news personality, (with less than a tenth of Minaj’s Twitter followers, we might add) immediately excoriated Minaj for leaving the plantation for just questioning the official narrative.

Within days, Minaj vowed to leave Twitter for good, after they banned her—which they now deny actually happened. (After all, 22.5 million is a lot of eyeballs to advertisers) But now, every leftist media outlet has joined in the chorus of denouncing Nikki Minaj. 

Say what you want about her, and rap music in general, her response is praiseworthy. So far, she has refused to apologize or backdown—unlike most celebrities usually do. It’s irrelevant that Minaj provide evidence of a connection with her cousin’s wedding blues and the vaccine, because she doesn’t have to. The most important take-away is: she questioned the narrative. She is only getting away with it because of her popularity, and the ruling elites are scared.

So, why are the faithful believers so fearful? “Fear not,” and “be not afraid,” appear more than a hundred times in the Bible. (God must know something about our urge to lose courage) Maybe it’s because of what we don’t know.

  • “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Sometimes seeing the truth without fear begins with a question. 

  • “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Shenandoah Christian Alliance
Shenandoah Christian Alliance is a Christian organization devoted to the promotion and education of biblical truths, faith, and spiritual equipping. We believe in the sanctity of marriage as defined in God’s revealed word. We oppose the practice of abortion, and respectfully object to its funding and facilitation as currently promoted by our elected leaders. We understand homosexuality to be something that God—whom we worship and honor—does not approve among his creation. Our faith in God as revealed in scripture is not something we are ashamed of, or for which we must apologize.