
Is the Time at Hand?

The transgender  curriculum is becoming ubiquitous throughout the nation’s public school systems. Children in grade school are taught that God’s Word, the Bible, is wrong.

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The True “Social Justice Warrior”

Every Christian should desire, pray for, and work toward what is right in God’s eyes. That will result in a biblical justice that, while it might not please the world, will always please the King of kings. 
One could say that the true “social justice warrior,” biblically speaking, is the Christian man or woman who promotes God’s righteousness in society.

God’s Weather Warnings

Terry James | Prophecy Watch There is, at first glance, perhaps a paradox in our take on the matter of climate change. When I say…

Why Everyone Believes in Secure Borders

The truth is everyone believes in secure borders.  In fact, life would be impossible without them. As long as human nature is what it is—bent toward evil—borders will be necessary.  The only question is “Where am I going to draw the borders for my own security?” 

Repentant or Remorseful?

Remorse can lead to a change of behavior for the express purpose of avoiding consequences, while repentance leads to a change of heart. Remorse is externally focused while repentance deals with an internal change.

Mounting the Red Horse

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (Revelation 6:3)