Scientific American Publishes Error-Filled Hit Piece, Claiming Genesis Is Racist

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Ken Ham | Answers in Genesis

Scientific American is supposedly a scientific publication.

Well, as such, they should be ashamed of themselves for allowing a badly researched opinion piece to be printed recently. In an article titled “Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy,” filmmaker Allison Hopper, a believer in the evolutionary “out-of-Africa” model, opines about how the supposed dark-skinned ancestors we evolved from are so often left out in museums and in books. In the process, she smears biblical creationists by claiming we believe and teach something we certainly do not!

The author writes what can hardly be described as anything other than garbage designed to create hate against light-skinned Christians:

At the heart of white evangelical creationism is the mythology of an unbroken white lineage that stretches back to a light-skinned Adam and Eve. In literal interpretations of the Christian Bible, white skin was created in God’s image. Dark skin has a different, more problematic origin. As the biblical story goes, the curse or mark of Cain for killing his brother was a darkening of his descendants’ skin. Historically, many congregations in the U.S. pointed to this story of Cain as evidence that Black skin was created as a punishment.

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Now Answers in Genesis is the leading creationist organization in the world with several PhD scientists on its full-time staff. I defy Hopper or Scientific American to find anything remotely resembling the nonsense claimed in her article (especially the bizarre charge that at the “heart of white evangelical creationism is the mythology of an unbroken white lineage that stretches back to a light-skinned Adam and Eve”) on our websitesin our books, or in our presentations. Why? Because that’s not what we believe because that’s not what the Bible teaches. She claims her view is a “literal interpretation” of the text and that’s how the “biblical story goes,” but she never quotes from the Bible (or any creationist or anyone but her own imagination!). But here’s what the Bible says, for example, regarding the mark of Cain:




The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance