end times

Prayer Wars II

Millions, I’m convinced, are even at this late hour praying this prayer to the best of our ability. I believe movements and revelations of corruption within the political processes of late reflect directly the Lord’s attentiveness to the genuine prayers of His spiritually attuned prayer warriors.

If America is again—like in the 2016 presidential election—to be so blessed by a positive answer to those prayers by Heaven’s throne room, I believe it will mean that the battle as described in Ephesians chapter 6 will, after the election, intensify even more than if God’s answer is otherwise. And it will, in that case, be this nation’s final dispensation of liberty, if there is not a turning back to God in a major way.

The war of the ages as this Church Age dispensation moves into its final stages will be fought most effectively by God’s people in the prayer closets of America. Let’s be sure to put on the whole armor before engaging in the battles we face.

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On the Mark, Get Set…

Personal tattoos with electronic tracking and controlling properties will doubtless be the next generation of technology dedicated to tracing humanity.
If you know Jesus Christ for salvation, you won’t have to worry with any of it