Push-back against Satan’s Big Push


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Terry James | Prophecy Line

With the election of Barack Obama following eight years of George W. Bush, things appeared to be right on track for globalization. Even during the Bush years, the push to bring in a changed world order was front and center.

Efforts by those opposed to giving up American sovereignty were becoming increasingly atrophied. America-as-founded advocates within the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives gave in to the change agent in most every instance because it was impolitic to push back against the first black president. The leftist mainstream news media reveled in the words of the new president: “It is time for fundamental change in America!”

The Obama administration started by the president undertaking a world tour where he apologized for the United States being overbearing and…well…just not a good global citizen. The first lady, Michelle Obama, said she was proud of America for the first time since her husband made the tour and was beginning to right all the wrongs that the U.S. as founded had perpetrated upon the rest of the world.

Those in charge in D.C. during those eight years indeed set about to transfer American industry—especially manufacturing—to nations throughout the world. Particularly, China was beneficiary of the change that was taking place. During those years, China built an economy that is scheduled to overtake that of the U.S. by 2040-something. That nation used the great profits made from the trade deals and through industrial and hi-tech espionage to build a military machine that the Bible tells us will one day be at the heart of the force that will kill a third of the world’s population. (Read Revelation chapters 9 and 16.)

We can see simply by looking at China’s growing belligerence through its threats in the South China Sea and its ominous threats against the Trump administration’s tough dealing to create a more favorable trade balance, just how foolish the giveaways by the Obama administration were. And, it is almost certainly the Sino-globalist cabal, according to some observers, that released the COVID-19 plague—a so-called pandemic that has brought the greatest economic power to have existed to its knees along with the rest of the industrialized world.

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Then came the election of 2016. The world powers elite were set to further bring those American assets into their orbit with the election of the candidate who was to complete the Obama agenda. It was all but a done deal. The media, again, was giddy with the prospects of making the United States exactly like the European socialistic model they so longed for.

But something funny happened on the way to that next presidential inauguration.  The candidate of the changed world order lost in a large electoral landslide. The winner, the “Make America Great Again” candidate, gave the inaugural speech in which he lambasted Obama’s agenda and the damage done in the Obama administration, and he vowed that now America would be front and center in bringing back manufacturing and all other things that had been virtually given away during the previous four years.

Bottom line is that Satan’s plans to bring his geopolitical regime of control sooner rather than later was stymied. There came a push-back of major proportions because of the election result, one that nobody saw coming—except perhaps Donald J. Trump and his confidence in winning rather than losing, and, certainly, Christians who believe unwaveringly in the power of prayer.

As mentioned here many times, that prayer, as edited by God as recorded in 2 Chronicles 7: 14, was at the precise center of the miracle that took place that election night in 2016.

Since that night, and even before, the luciferian push to bring America and the world back to conditions as they were before the 2016 election have increased by the hour. The insane rage of those who are nothing less than operatives for the end-times rebellion Satan is fomenting are in our faces—our masked faces—every waking minute.

Those leading the rebellion, including not only Antifa and Black Lives Matter, but the ideological-political left in general and the mainstream news and entertainment media as well, are now warning with not-so-veiled threats that if the man they hate is reelected, we can expect carnage from their rage that will cause what is happening at present to look like child’s play. Even Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has threatened in no uncertain terms that the rage will become even more intense.

So the push by the chief rebel of all rebels has his minions, both human and demonic, in place for the big push that is without question coming, no matter who wins the election.

It’s just the way it is. It is the time in which we are privileged to be alive—the very end of the Age of Grace.

We are here for the big push-back against Satan’s big push to bring in the long-prophesied Antichrist world order.

That cannot and will not happen while we are still here. Our push-back—God’s push-back—is why we are here at this troubling but exciting time. The Holy Spirit resident within each believer in Jesus Christ provides us greater power than the minions of the satanic push have at their disposal.

Franklin Graham, son of the late Billy Graham, has full understanding of that power of supernatural push-back.

He has invited God’s people to join him and many others on the Washington, D.C. Mall on September 26 for a time of prayer for the nation. He will then lead a march through the nation’s capital as part of the push-back against the evil that will continue to be stymied until we hear the words of our Lord from the clouds of Heaven: “Come up here!”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.