sanctity of life

Lawmakers File Radical Anti-Life Bill For Consideration In 2024

“This would mean the removal of the parental consent law and partial-birth infanticide law as well as ultimately requiring Virginia taxpayers to fund all abortions under Medicaid programs.
Perhaps the most shocking of all will be that unlimited abortion would become legal through all nine months–up until birth–as it has in New York, Vermont, and California.

No More Natural Affection

There can be no greater “natural affection” than that of a mother for her child. But millions have been deceived into believing that the baby within is a thing that is to be gotten rid of from within their bodies,

Threats Don’t Go Well in a Small Town

One half of this country believes that violence and coercion in service to progress is acceptable; the other half of the country is tired of Lucy and the Football.
In short, folks are tired of being decent in the face of the rude and vulgar — and they are starting to draw some very clear lines.