Tea and Treachery

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Teas take on different significance in different cultures, but a TeaTime hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood members resembles no other. It is a time to be wary of the dualism of Islam and the gathering’s true purpose.                                             

The modest event was publicized as TeaTime in a local church.  It would not be a four-o’clock, English-style social occasion, complete with porcelain tea service and petit fours; or Japanese ceremony symbolizing peace, harmony and happiness; or Chinese ritual of peace, quiet, enjoyment and truth.  Perhaps the focus would not be on the beverage at all but another T.  The initial TT as in Taqiyyah, whose meaning in Arabic is the practice of concealing one’s belief (more accurately known as duplicity) and foregoing ordinary religious duties in order to make Islam supreme.  It is a concept and reality that must be borne in mind when reading or listening to the words of Muslims.  It provides the opportunity for the affable advance guard to sell you an appealing story about a war monger, a mass murderer, so that we may continue to welcome the 1.6 billion adherents into the west, our country, and into our lives, and fundamentally and forever change what we have.

T might also refer to the visiting Taskforce and its Tactic,  as well as Theocracy, Tyranny, Treachery, Territorialism, Thought control, Takeover and Theirs, all combined into a system by which they seize dominance of land and people through the centuries, as they have come to Threaten and dominate in the Middle East and Africa; proceeding in the UK, mainland Europe, Scandinavia, and progressing in the Americas and Oceania.     

Their informational flyers would be displayed during the session, including one titled, “What they say about the Prophet Muhammad,” published by ICNA – Islamic Circle of North America, an offshoot of the Muslims Students Association (MSA), which is itself an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) – to complement the conversation at this Islamic outreach program.  The MB is a religiopolitical organization, founded in 1928 to carry on the work of Muhammad, to advocate the application of Islamic law (sharia) in all aspects of society – and in every society on the globe.  This is Hijra, conquest by population, and this is why they’re here.

This T-time would not be a Muslim outreach for socialization and assimilation, to engage their Christian neighbors and ease the adjustment of the incoming migrants into American life.  They have not come to learn because they already know far more about us than we know about them, their ideology and their purpose. They have come to leave their spiritual mark on our Territory, on the church itself, because, according to Muhammad, now that they have set foot on this place, it is Theirs.  There will be no need for war and bloodshed if they can convince these church folks that their religions are similar, that they believe in the same god, and that these kafirs (non-Muslims) will eventually make a peaceful Transition to worship Allah.  A 2017 study revealed that Islam is the fastest-growing religion, primarily due to the young age and high fertility rate of Muslims. and conversion must be maintained to equal the rate of apostasy – desertion of the faith – which calls for the penalty of death.   

When the Target country is too daunting for military conquest, a peaceful stealth operation may be employed to disable a population.  In Leo Hohmann’s Stealth Invasion, the author reminds us that Muhammad’s unarmed warriors (men, women and children), come as legal refugees on air-conditioned planes, as legal guest workers, legal green-card holders, legal students, legal entrepreneurs, and legal professors and preachers.  They will implement secret trade deals and mass immigration policies that will inevitably erode national sovereignty, divide national populations against each other, and cause civil strife, as well as inflict small increments of pressure for accommodation as we slowly adjust our lives to comply and adapt.

We would appreciate your donation.

They live among us and donate to Muslim charities – particularly to the sixth pillar of jihad as directed by the Koran – and absorb the prescribed messages of behavior instilled at the five-times-daily prayer times in the mosques.  These are the local businessmen, laborers, and parents who encourage their children to advocate the BDS (boycott-divestment-sanctions) movement in the hope of triggering Israel’s economic collapse, to restrict Jewish students’ educational rights and opportunities, and to harass and cause physical harm to the students who support Israel.   

They are our neighbors who have suddenly purchased land that accommodates a mosque that far exceeds the size required for a Muslim community its current size, who demand special considerations for their children in school, halal foods in local food establishments, particular accommodations in the workplace, extra swim time for their women only at the local pool, and distinct laws in the courtrooms.  They are our neighbors who run for local office – perhaps city council or school board – and make gradual, acceptable changes to the rules, the laws, the textbooks; the teachers and professors who change the curriculum to denigrate Christianity and Judaism, America and Israel, and provide a propagandist education about Islam.  They are the instructors who take the children on unauthorized field trips to the local mosque, invite imams to class to teach the Shahada (Muslim profession of faith and conversion) to replace the Pledge of Allegiance to America, and influence the girls to wear hijabs.   These are the doctors who brazenly declare they will prescribe wrong medicines to Jewish patients or the pharmacist who may administer the next flu vaccination. 

The flyers include literature that describe Muhammad as one of unblemished character, the perfect human being and role model, who surpassed all standards of human greatness, and the “founder of twenty terrestrial empires.”   The truth, however, is completely defined as Hudna in the Koran,  which sanctions the use of deception (taqiyyah) to negotiate peace treaties and break them with sudden violence and perpetual massacre until the unwary conquered fall.  Within a year of Muhammad’s death, his followers used the tactics against the indigenous people from Spain to India.  Despite the complicit left’s ability to keep us underinformed, there is a website, “Religionofpeace.com,” that updates the Islamic attacks since 9/11, the (27) countries, (1176) people injured and (734) killed, and (13) suicide blasts in August 2019 alone. 

On Internet websites, Muhammad is considered a charismatic warrior, but charismatic also means persuasive, and persuasive may also mean threatening.  He was a self-appointed Messenger of God who revolutionized Arabian warfare, implementing his messianic ideology, his scheme of supersessionism over Judaism and Christianity, holy war (jihad) against infidels and apostates) and martyrdom (shahada).  And, If his charisma did not win over the other faiths, their scimitars were drawn, and remain the weapons so proudly displayed on the flag of the “Religion of Peace.”  He introduced guerilla warfare and established a belief that everyone – men, women, and children – has an obligation to fight and spread Islam throughout Arabia, thereby changing Christian pacifistic thinking.   

Beginning with only 314 combatants in 624 ce, he amassed 10,000 men with his assault on Mecca in 620, and 30,000 men and a 10,000-man cavalry by that year’s end, acquiring additional military equipment as booty and quickly becoming the fearsome, powerful warlord.  He ordered the beheading of Medina’s 900 Jewish men in the town square and enslaved (or sold into slavery) their women and children.  Terrorism ensured discipline and control over his forces, but he also offered a better pay scale with all the booty they could carry for bravery, and a deceitful promise of sexual paradise for a hero’s death.  His legacy is the death of perhaps in excess of 900 million people over 1400 years (600 million Hindus alone!), dwarfing the deaths of the Black Plague,  and bested only by malaria and influenza. 

Among the statements usually presented at a T-event is that we all worship the same God.  In Judaism, God uses Moses to deliver The Ten Commandments to establish the moral foundation for human behavior.  If we were to sum up the basic ideals of Judaism and  Christianity, it would be The Ethics of Reciprocity,known as The Golden Rule and expressed in the former as “that which is hateful unto you do not do to others,”  in the latter as “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”  In both religions, the focus is on ethical teachings, honesty, dignity and acts of kindness.  Although stories of violence are told in both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, they are lessons to be learned – not open-ended dictates.  The violence was an occasional and regrettable necessity, but it never became a rule of life.  Islam has no Golden Rule.  It has severe sharia law, replete with painful subjugation and slavery.  Mainstream Islamic law stipulates detailed regulations for the use of violence, including the use of corporal and capital punishment within the family or household, as well as when and against whom to wage war.  Judaism’s laws are meant for Jews, not to be imposed on others; Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states have spent massively to promote and inflict their ultra-conservative version of Islam worldwide.  They come not to America to become Americans, but to make us Theirs. 

Toward the end of T-time, it is customary to send an American convert-to-Islam to collect the written questions from the audience. After selecting and reading aloud the simpler queries, the leader graciously announces his apologies that they’ve run out of time.  The guests are invited to visit a mosque in the future, avail themselves of the literature on the table, and call with any questions.  They have been softened up for the kill.  And, should any of the Brotherhood presenters be running for office, the face is now familiar and friendly, and the unfamiliar name suggests there is no threat.  No Threat indeed.   

If you liked enjoy this essay, consider Tabitha’s book, available on Amazon.

Tabitha Korol


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Tabitha Korol
Author of “Confronting the Deception,” Tabitha Korol began her political career after 9/11, with letters to the editor and essays, developing a readership and earning two writing awards along the way. Her work appears on Academia.edu, Christian Action Network, Conservative News and Views, Dr. Rich Swier, iPatriot, Liberty News & Views, LobbyistsforCitizens.com; Published Reporter, Renew America, Ted Belman, The Noisy Room, Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal, Virginia Christian Alliance, WebCommentary, and others.  Korol revised David Silberman’s book of Holocaust survivors’ accounts, “And You Saw That” for publication, and edited David Pristash’s book, “Essay on Moral Philosophy in Western Civilization.” She also proofreads/edits a monthly city magazine.
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