The Daily Skirmish – New Study Demolishes Transgender Youth Suicide Narrative


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  • Political abuse of science is emerging again on the issue of gender dysphoria in adolescents.
  • We find that easing access to cross-sex treatments without parental consent significantly increases suicide rates.
  • State and federal governments should reverse the push to make puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones more widely and readily available to minors.

From Liberato’s Daily Skirmish

The Biden administration and other outposts of the Left tell us, unless we allow children to take puberty blockers and gender transition, a lot of kids will commit suicide. 

Transgender ideologues frame the choice as between accepting transitioning kids or burying dead kids.  And parents will automatically be hostile to their transgender kids, so we have to hide all this from the parents. But it’s all pure bunk. 

The Left’s transgender suicide narrative won’t fly, as a new study from the Heritage Foundation shows.

Not only is the narrative phony, it’s the exact opposite of the truth.  The study found:

… strong evidence for the claim that suicides among young people have increased significantly since 2010 in states that have a policy allowing minors to access routine health care without parental consent….

In the past several years, the suicide rate among those ages 12 to 23 has become significantly higher in states that have a provision that allows minors to receive routine health care without parental consent than in states without such a provision. Before 2010, these two groups of states did not differ in their youth suicide rates. Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable.

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Rather than being protective against suicide, this pattern indicates that
easier access by minors to cross-sex medical interventions without parental consent is associated with higher risk of suicide.

Not only that, but a science journalist dug into the seven studies transgender ideologues frequently cite as justification for rushing children into chemical transitioning and found all the studies to be flawed.  The flaws include:

  • failure to track test subjects over time
  • a false claim kids on puberty blockers ultimately feel better
  • false comparisons resulting from test subjects not on medicine dropping out of the study
  • attributing causation to the drugs when no causation was actually shown, and
  • hiding the raw data from other researchers.

As a group, the studies do not support the proposition that giving kids puberty blockers or hormones significantly improves their mental health.  And they certainly do not support the transgender activists who hold a gun to parents’ heads and tell them their kids will commit suicide if the kids aren’t given the drugs.  Moreover, the studies do not justify hiding information about kids from their parents or stripping parents of parental rights.  Just as with every other argument made by the Left, the more you dig into it, the uglier it gets.  This is why the Left is doing its best to shut down debate on so many issues and hopes you never acquire the critical thinking skills you need to see through their games.  

The Biden administration is all in for the phony transgender narrative.  Joe Biden himself said, “We’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, at work, in our military, everywhere.”  The Biden administration is part of the transgender-industrial complex that wants to steal your kids to line its own pockets and seize more power for statist elites.  They fake study results and hide their data to lull you to sleep.  They mean you harm.  Respond accordingly. 

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About the Author

The above Commentary is from the Chris Wright's Liberato website ( Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist in the leadership of Potomac Tea Party, a national Tea Party based in Northern Virginia. He founded and is president of the first and only nonprofit formed to empower grassroots activists with small financial grants. He founded the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) in 2013 to counter communist influence at home and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has presented to the Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, and been on Breitbart and LevinTV. Mr. Wright has also formed a number of national teams fighting the Woke Mob at national historic sites, RINOs, sharia supremacists, and others. His latest initiative is the American Renaissance Network, with the audacious goal of taking down the American Left. “We have not even scratched the surface of what we can do if only we will work together, effectively.” Contact: Websites – American Renaissance Network Potomac Tea Party Liberato.US Anticommunism Action Team