The End-Game: Hiding in Plain Sight – Pastor Jack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk

Klaus Schwab WEF Great Reset

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The globalists are not hiding, but are hiding in plain sight.

Jack Hibbs: You need to know that we’re living in the days that the Bible—- we’re seeing chess pieces set up. I’m not saying we’re in the tribulation. I’m saying we’re seeing the indicators that it’s coming.   If that’s true, then how much sooner is the return of the Lord to snatch up his church up and away into his presence called the rapture.

Welcome to Understanding the Times with Olive Tree Ministries with Jan Markel Radio for the Remnant this features a presentation given at their September conference, sponsored by Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California.

Pastor Jack and Charlie Kirk examine that strategy, goals and agenda of the world economic forum.

When do they want to launch the great reset for the church be here to see it


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To our VCA readers, please hear Klaus Schwabbs own words from his podcast calling for a great reset:


Great Reset 2030 17 Goals

17 Goals Great Reset Agenda

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Jan Markell
Jan Markell is Founder and President of Olive Tree Ministries, a Christian ministry helping Christians see current events through the lens of the Bible. It also is a discernment ministry and encourages Christians to contend for the faith. Tune into her weekly radio program for terrific insight into today's events from a Biblical perspective. Jan is the author of 8 major books and a producer of eleven DVDs. She conducts an annual conference called Understanding the Times which is the largest of its nature in America. It draws attendees from 20 states