The Snare of Homosexuality


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Terry Beatley | America OUT LOUD!
VCA Board  Member

An on going fourteen year old Virginia case is criminalizing Christianity in America led to the imprisonment of a pastor from Harrisonburg, Virginia; and Linda Wall is leading the way to expose the absurdity of the LGBT movement and how they use the legal system and young children to advance their agenda…at all costs.

On the brink of suicide, Linda Wall gave her life to Jesus Christ and then escaped ten years of a destructive homosexual lifestyle. Eager to share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ, Linda is on a mission to spread the gospel of peace and defend the defenseless.

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One of the defenseless was a little girl name Isabella Miller whose mother, Lisa, escaped the snare of homosexuality and chose to raise her daughter outside of the United States and in the ways of the Lord.

This propelled Lisa into an international lawsuit; led to the imprisonment of a pastor from Harrisonburg, Virginia; and Linda Wall is leading the way to expose the absurdity of the LGBT movement and how they use the legal system and young children to advance their agenda…at all costs.

Join Linda and Terry in a lively discussion of this important topic: sin.

Terry Beatley

Terry looks at both sides and then filters through a biblical worldview lens. President of Hosea Initiative and author of What If We’ve Been Wrong? She says the #1 problem facing women: they’ve been duped my the lies, myths and propaganda of the “sexual revolution”. Three words describe Terry: Tenacious, Christ follower, Pro-life.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Terry Beatley
Terry Beatley made a promise to Dr. Bernard Nathanson (co-founder of NARAL). He gave her his parting message to deliver across America and encouraged her to teach how he regretfully and deceptively paved the way for the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v Wade decision. Explaining the real “War on Women” and the “History of the Negro Project” in her Loving Life Seminars, she shares his story while explaining how the aggressive abortion industry markets promiscuity to children, legislatively destroys parental rights and undermines our Constitutional liberty. She has been interviewed on numerous radio shows including Dr. Richard Land Live, Culture Shock Radio, Katrina, Dominion Radio, Steve Deace Show, and Zeus Radio Network’s “This Is Your Life: Courage to Change” show. Her articles appear in various newspapers including the Washington Times.m.