Understanding Eternity and the Mystery of Our Times

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As believers, we witness a remarkable convergence of events aligning with biblical prophecy. From technological advancements to the fulfillment of scripture, it’s clear that eternity is closer than we can imagine.

In this week’s Understanding the Times radio episode, Jan Markell and her guests discuss two significant topics: our eternal home and the technological shifts that point to the end-times scenario.


Eternity Awaits: A Conversation with Todd Hampson

Jan opens the program with Todd Hampson, author of The Non-Prophet’s Guide to Heaven. Together, they explore the profound hope of eternity and the spiritual significance of studying heaven.

Anchoring in Eternal Promises

Hampson highlights how understanding eternity can uplift weary souls facing the challenges of a fallen world. He shares:

“Studying the topic of heaven steadies our nerves, recalibrates our mindset, and reminds us why we are here.”

Focusing on eternity encourages purposeful living and inspires believers to finish strong. Whether we have years, days, or even minutes left, our mission is clear: share the gospel and take as many people to heaven as possible.

Theological Controversies

The discussion also touches on why teaching about heaven often faces resistance. Hampson notes that his book has sparked debate due to its advocacy for:

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  • A pre-tribulation rapture.
  • A literal thousand-year millennial kingdom.
  • A clear distinction between Israel and the church in God’s end-times program.

These biblical truths have seen a decline in emphasis within many churches, largely due to the waning influence of dispensational theology. Hampson calls on believers to return to a literal interpretation of scripture and to embrace the hope and clarity it provides.

The Rise of Drones and the 2030 Reset: Insights from Billy Crone

In the second segment, Jan turns to Ken Mikle and Josh Schwartz as they speak with Pastor Billy Crone about a topic that has captured global attention: the proliferation of drones. Crone sheds light on how drone technology ties into the larger agenda of global control.

The Drone Invasion

Across the United States, mysterious drone sightings have sparked curiosity and concern. While speculation ranges from foreign espionage to UFOs, Crone argues that these sightings may be part of a broader plan to normalize surveillance and erode personal freedoms.

“Create a crisis, manage the outcome,” says Crone, pointing to the manipulation of public fear to justify draconian policies.

The Great Reset and the Beast System

Crone connects these developments to Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, which envisions a highly controlled society:

  • 15-Minute Cities: Residents are confined to small zones under strict monitoring.
  • AI-Controlled Drones: Tools for surveillance, data collection, and enforcement.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): External monitoring of all activities.
  • Internet of Bodies (IoB): Internal monitoring through implanted devices.

These advancements align eerily with the “Beast System” described in Revelation 13. As Crone explains, this system will enable global control, tracking, and enforcement, fulfilling prophetic scripture.

Living with Purpose and Urgency

Despite these ominous trends, both segments of the program emphasize hope. As Mark Hitchcock reminds us:

“God has not given us a spirit of fear…we must enter the future with faith, not anxiety.”

These events underscore the urgency of the gospel message for believers. Hampson urges us to live with “purposeful urgency,” leveraging every moment to share Christ’s love and truth.

Final Invitation: Come to Jesus

In the closing moments of the program, Jan Markell draws from Revelation 22:16–17:

“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ Let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.”

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainties of our times, this is your invitation to find hope in Jesus Christ. He offers peace, salvation, and the promise of an eternal home with Him.

Resources to Explore Further

  • Todd Hampson’s Book: The Non-Prophet’s Guide to Heaven. Available at OliveTreeViews.org.
  • Billy Crone’s Documentary: Drones, AI, and the Coming Human Annihilation. Get A Life Media
  • Upcoming prophecy events, including a live-streamed gathering on January 16th. LIVE STREAM LINKS

Stay informed and anchored in biblical truth as we navigate these extraordinary times. Let’s keep looking up, for our redemption draws near!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Jeff Bayard
Devoted Christian, husband of 44 years, proud father of two grown children, and grandfather of three. As the diligent content manager and composer at the Virginia Christian Alliance, I curate and create articles that champion biblical values, uphold conservative principles, and honor the enduring truths of the Constitution. With a commitment to integrity and a heart for truth, I strive to ensure that our content informs, inspires, and resonates with readers who seek to glorify God in every aspect of life.