Last Thursday, Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears and House Education Chairman, Glenn Davis, hosted a press conference promoting Education Success Accounts. The room was filled with supporters of this legislation and the press was there in mass. You can learn what the press had to say here and here.
This a great start to the 2023 General Assembly which begins this Wednesday. But our challenge has only just begun. We will have little time to encourage legislators to pass legislation that will empower families to choose beyond their zip code for educating their children.
Join us January 13th for updates on the General Assembly, the status of school choice and what you can do to encourage your legislator to vote yes for more options in education.
You can register here for our call on January 13, 2023 at 12 noon.
It is time for the Commonwealth to embrace education entrepreneurship. We can do this by passing Education Success Accounts. ESAs will open up a wide variety of options for families, empowering them to make important decisions for their children’s education.
We look forward to seeing you on January 13th.
Craig DiSesa
Executive Director