Virginia Businessman Goes to Prison for Being a Christian

Philip ZodhiatesPhilip enters prison. Kathie, his wife, walks him to the gate.

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On December 5th, Virginia businessman, Philip Zodhiates, known for his charitable acts, became the third person incarcerated in America for “exercising” his Christian faith in connection with Lisa and Isabella Miller.

By Linda Wall

While most who call themselves Christian in America are being dazzled by the Christmas lights, the hustle bustle of shopping, tree decorating, home parties with spreads of food fit for a king, church pageants and musical performances of the season, a brother in the Lord has had to turn himself in to federal prison in America.

On December 5th, Virginia businessman, Philip Zodhiates, known for his charitable acts, became the third person incarcerated in America for “exercising” his Christian faith in connection with Lisa and Isabella Miller. His crime: he gave a “born again” single mom and her daughter a ride and a few dollars.

The Lisa Miller Case has now been going on for fourteen years. Most believers do not have eyes to see what is really going on with this case. Too many are believing the media. From the moment that Equality Virginia, the ACLU and Lambda Legal became involved, the mission of the case has been to establish a precedent for the entire country: criminalizing Christianity in America if that Christianity opposes the LGBT agenda. One could call it the equivalent to Roe v. Wade in the sexual orientation madness world.

Philip Zodhiates

Philip enters prison. Kathie, his wife, walks him to the gate.

Philip Zodhiates, the president of the direct mail fundraising company, Response Unlimited, which helps conservative organizations raise money for their causes, is now in federal prison in Ashland, Kentucky. He is serving two three years sentences (to be served concurrently) for alleged international kidnapping. The courts were biased toward “born again” believer and former lesbian, Lisa Miller and have continued their anti-Christian crusade toward Philip and others associated with Lisa Miller.

We would appreciate your donation.

Philip broke no laws when he helped Lisa Miller and her biological daughter, Isabella. The 2004 ruling by a Virginia Court making Lisa Miller, the sole parent of Isabella, was still in effect. Lisa still had that full custody of her daughter, and she and Isabella possessed legal passports when they left the country. There were absolutely no travel restrictions imposed on Lisa when Philip gave Lisa and Isabella a ride and few dollars.

Phillip’s hearing was judicially manipulated in order to achieve the desired results. The goal of federal prosecutors was to find Philip guilty.

At the onset of the trial with jury selection, it was clear where Philip’s case was headed. The government and the court worked diligently to prevent any person from being selected for the jury who indicated they attended church or were in involved in conservative or Republican politics. Those who were educated, involved in missions or charitable causes were also excluded from jury duty. Philip was definitely tried by a jury who were not his peers!

The government disallowed character witnesses on Philip’s behalf. Examples of his impeccable character would have overwhelmed the court and tipped the jury toward a not guilty verdict, which the prosecution could not chance.

Throughout Philip’s trial, all evidence was excluded about the sexual abuse Isabella was experiencing, which was the basis of why Philip Zodhiates ever became involved in Lisa and Isabella’s life.

Rather, the government took the position that as a matter of Vermont law, Vermont courts had jurisdiction in this case, when in fact it was a direct violation of Virginia law and the Federal Defense of Marriage Act from the very beginning. A clear bias toward Philip Zodhiates and willingness to ignore law has Philip behind bars today.

In reality, the judicial system has failed law abiding, God loving Christians in the Lisa Miller Case. That failure began when a panel of three Virginia judges ignored three Virginia laws. Due to a procedural error by Liberty Counsel, Lisa’s Virginia attorneys, the Virginia Supreme Court never ruled on the error committed by the Appellate Court.

Even Chief Justice Hassell of the Virginia Supreme Court, at the time stated, “However, I write separately to state that I have serious concerns about the Court of Appeals’ opinion in the former appeal, Miller-Jenkins v. Miller-Jenkins, 49 Va. App,88,637 S.E.2d 330 (2006). I do not believe that this decision was correctly decided. Lisa Miller-Jenkins failed to perfect an appeal from that decision in the manner required by law, see Miller-Miller Jenkins, Record No. 070355 (May 7, 2007), and therefore, this Court could not review that decision.”

So here we are fourteen years later with a third Christian being incarcerated in America for exercising his Christian faith and a born-again Christian mother and her daughter living in exile from America.

What’s next for Philip? There is an appeal before the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case. Justice Neil Gorsuch placed the petition for the stay of sentence on a list of conference items for January 4 of next year, allowing all the justices to vote on the matter. In the meantime, Zodhiates will remain in federal prison.
Join me in visiting our brother in prison by writing him as we work toward obtaining a pardon for Lisa Miller and all associated with the case.

Philip Zodhiates 18649-084
FCI Ashland
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 6001
Ashland, KY 41105

To donate toward the huge legal debt facing Philip and Kathie click here:

For more on the case click here:

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.
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