10 Tips How to Counter Islam


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Unless the individual US citizen takes personal responsibility to counter Islam and the stealth jihad encroaching our Western culture, the consequences are catastrophic.

Nicolai Sennels | 10NEWS.DK


1) Fight, Stop and Roll Back all Types of Sharia

Islamic law, Sharia, is opposed to secular, democratic laws and humanistic values. It is not only discriminatory towards Muslim women, it demands Muslims to actively oppose democracy, and to fight, enslave and kill non-Muslims. By allowing Sharia into our societies, no matter in how small quantities, we are giving breathing air to a system that ultimately aims at our destruction. It also sends a welcoming signal to Islamic fundamentalists, that they can come and live without having to assimilate to our societies and values. It sends a signal to both Muslims and non-Muslims that democratic, humanistic values are worth less than the foreign and medieval, religious laws of a brutal religion.


For Understanding Islam, You, the reader, should review this video from 2010 and one can see how far this has progressed since then to today

 Examples of Sharia:

  • Halal, Muslims-only prayer rooms, Islamic holidays and traditions in public institutions.
  • Islamic face-coverings (burqas and niqab) in public areas.
  • Islamic veils as part of public uniforms.
  • Dominating Islamic architecture in our cities.

Related: What is Islamization?

2) Stop the Mosques

Mosques spread a literal interpretation of the Islamic scriptures. They refuse to distance themselves to the criminal aspects of the Quran and Muhammed. Instead, they preach these as divine truths. Thus, mosques functions as rally points for Islamic fundamentalists and exercises social pressure on more moderate Muslims to adhere more strongly to the Sharia. We must demand that mosques actively and consequently condemn the passages of the Islamic scriptures that call for – or even order – criminal behaviour. In most countries this can be done with reference to constitutional laws banning religions or organisations spreading a message of violence or public disorder. We also must spread knowledge about the books that Mosques, Imams and Islamic organisations preach as divine truths every Friday in the middle of our vulnerable, democratic societies.

Related: How To Stop A Mosque

3) Support Free Speech: Use it!

The only thing that Islam fear as much as a conscientious, diligent and sufficient police force (soon to be enforced by the military), is truth. That is why most Muslims are against Free Speech: because it allows us to expose the criminal intentions of Islam and reject Muslims’ demands for special treatment as cultural imperialism.

Therefore we must stand by Free speech, and there is no other real way to do this than by using it actively to criticise Islam. If possible, publicly and without hiding our face and name.

4) Stop Muslim Immigration

 Islam is spreading via emigration. The Quran even promises abundance and a divine reward for emigrating for the cause of Islam: “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:100)

 Without Muslim immigration and refugees, Europe would not have had the massive problems with economy, safety and cultural destruction that we have to day, and which is now spreading to East Europe and USA, partly as a result of Islamic terrorists’ successful efforts to create large refugee streams.

 We have to insist on full border control, complete national control with immigration and refugee laws (opposing EU and UN) and a full stop of Islamic immigration (including family reunifications). Bitter experience show, that it is impossible to integrate Islamic culture sufficiently. The result is devastating economical problems and the creation of parallel societies with extreme crime rates, functioning as hotbeds for terrorists and the spread of Sharia at the expense of secular law.

Related: Hijrah: “Jihad by emigration”

The long-lasting solution to the refuge crisis?: The perfect refugee camp 10 good reasons to reject refugees coming to the West

5) Giving people something to rally behind

A majority of Westeners is worried about Islam and Muslim immigration. But out of fear, most people do not speak out about it. To remove this fear it is important to make people aware that many other support their opinion and that there are strong, sympathetic communities and movements, that they can easily rally behind. One very successful such movement is the German Pegida demonstrations.

So find a way to make people aware that they are not alone with their aversion against Islam, and that there are normal, sympathetic citizens out there that they can join, and share and work together with.

We would appreciate your donation.

And give people something they can rally behind and around: Slogans, symbols, newsletters, petitions, parties, organisations and movements, brave spokes women and men, demonstrations, blogs and social media groups.

Be an inspiring example by showing courage, being knowledgeable and acting without anger. 


Surveys: Majority of Europeans is against spread of Islam

Psychological Explanations of Political Correctness

6) Activate Religious and Political Institutions

This is basically about lobbying.

Get in contact with religious societies, churches, and political and economical think tanks and organisations. Make them see that criticising Islam can benefit their own cause (Islamic persecution of Christians, Muslims vote Left and cost billions, Muslim women are suppressed, mosques makes the price on apartments nearby decrease – etc.). There are plenty of reasons why political groups and institutions should worry about – and speak out against – Islam and Muslim immigration.

Send them letters and books, ask for a meeting with them, join their Facebook group and start – slow and carefully – to post Islam critical stuff on their page. See if they would be interested in sending your material to their members – or help them produce their own Islam critical material.

If you are lucky, you might get really good contacts inside media or the established parties or acknowledged organisations. 

7) Start Blogging – Every Day!

There is a catastrophic lack of blogs in many countries. Important with blogs: Post stuff every day (to build up traffic and interest), make a newsletter and make it easy for people to sign up for it (you can just build your newsletter out of e.g. your 10 latest posts), link to original sources, stick to the facts, no emotional outbursts, keep a sober language and ban racists and Nazis from commenting.

Find your blogging material on Facebook and international blogs like rightsidenews.com, gatesofvienna.net, vladtepesblog.com, thereligionofpeace.com,europenews.dk, jihadwatch.org, pamelageller.com and 10news.dk.

Whatever you post, makes sure to also spread it on Facebook (in several groups if possible) and Twitter. Get your tech-friend to do some SEO and if you like, build up a blogger community where you share the work load of finding, translating, posting and spreading news. 

8) Demonstrations

 If you have the capacity, making demonstrations can be very effective. It often attracts media, it mobilises people and it can send a strong signal to politicians (especially if you manage to get journalists interested). Use Facebook to announce it, remember to get the right permits from the police and from the local municipality, make signs and a big front-banner. Find good/famous speakers and consider to not just do one demonstrations, but a string of them on e.g. every Monday or 1st Monday in every month.

 You can also chose to do such demonstrations in front of mosques, the parliament or other places where it will attract more attention from relevant people. 

9) Write Letters to the Editor – and keep doing it

 If the media had not been so reluctant to report about the nature of Islam and the consequences of Muslim immigration, the current threat against freedom and safety would not be at the level it is today. The earlier our fellow voters are convinced that filling their parliaments with brave women and men who are willing to counter the influence of Islam, UN’s conventions on immigration and EU’s laws on open borders, the greater the chance of a successful outcome for everybody. Journalists and editors are not happy to report about things that they willfully have kept as a secret in order not to stir up any “wrong” thoughts in the population. In We can help to fill the information gap by sending letters to the editors. The opinion pages are the most read sections in newspapers, and even if the letter is not printed, we still sent a signal to the editor that their readers are interested in this particular topic (and if they want to sell newspapers they better write about things that interest their readers). A third benefit is that by formulating such letters, one sharpens one’s mind and ability to argue for freedom and against its enemies. Here is how you get started:

 a) Find the email address for letters to the editor.
 b) Always write about current matters. It can be EU’s refugee quotas, a recent statement from politicians, fresh statistics on immigrant crime, etc.
 c) Write concise – short and precise. 2-5 sentences should be enough. Longer pieces can be excellent but it is harder to get the editor to print them on paper. Example: “The only win-win solution to the refugee problem is to send all back and build proper camps in their own regions. In this way hopefuls are dissuaded from leaving their families alone in dangerous conditions and taking long and often deadly travels. We can provide food and safety for dozens of people for the same money that it costs to accommodate a single asylum seeker here in our own country. I vote for closed borders, sending back refugees and helping them in their own regions where they can feel more home in their culture and language.”
 d) Include links for documentation.
 e) Use a fake email, name and address if needed.
 f) Bcc relevant friends so they can be inspired.
 g) Copy-paste your letters into comment sections on online news sites and blogs – to maximize the benefit of your efforts. You can also send them to relevant politicians or post them on Facebook etc.
 h) Find out how to check if the newspaper printed your letter – and remember to celebrate when you get a letter printed on paper (I get around one out of three letters printed on paper – I have more than 700 on paper until now). 

10) Protecting the Inner Level


Many people in Europe and also some in the rest of the West are preparing themselves for living in more violent societies. In Sweden there is an increase on weapon sales, in Germany pepper spray is sold out, and still more women and men learn self defence. Hopefully many will join their country’s national guard.

One can not go wrong with any of this, as long as it all happens within the frame of democratic law.

 But while doing all these outer activities, we should also remember our inner values and development. What we are and what we become inside, will be the future of coming generations.

 Countless things can be communicated through books and computers. But transmission of values and outlook on our inner and deepest levels is only possible through a human-to-human connection: From person to person, from parents to children, from one generation to the next.

 Therefore we not only have to protect our outer society and culture, our democratic rights and humanistic norms. We also have to protect our inner life, and here anger and fear are great obstacles. A professional policeman and an angry or fearful policeman are two completely different things.

One major problem is that irresponsible politicians and our own laziness and attachment to a comfortable lifestyle is letting things get so much out of hand, that we might feel the need to brutalise ourselves in order to rectify our leader’s historical mistake.

 If we come out of this clash of civilisations with more anger in our minds and less respect for human dignity, we will have lost the very basis for what we are fighting for.

 Therefor we should not only see ourselves as outer protectors of society. We must also remember that we are carriers of an important human transmission of inner values and outlook on very deep, psychological levels, that has taken centuries to realize and solidify.

 It is a psychological fact that our emotions are the strongest driving factor for our actions. In other words: people behave the way they feel. When people behave bad it is a sign of painful inner states or very wrong ideas that will lead them into filling their own lives and mind with suffering. This does not mean that we should take pity on misbehaved Muslims and remain passive while they try to compensate for low self-esteem, rid themselves of the pain of anger or sexual frustration, or strive for divine reward, by harming others. One should stop their behaviour and hopefully with the maximum amount of pedagogical effect. But always with the minimum amount of damage, and with as little anger as possible. We can do that by holding on to the wish that they will be happy in the future – possibly far away – and thus one day find surplus and an outlook that will be the basis for more positive actions, that will fill their lives and surroundings others with more love and happiness.

In short: There is an omelet to be made, but it must be made with the least amount of broken eggs and with the continuous wish for long term win-win situations. This leaves no space for unnecessary brutality or feelings of revenge or hate.

Keeping the style in difficult times takes a calm mind, mature and wise compassion, and a very broad view, but while doing what is necessary on the outside, we must never forget to protect our own human development and our ultimate wish for the happiness of all beings. If one should find oneself in a situation where aggression is needed, the best inner support is probably to think that one does it for the benefit of others and to stop one’s opponent from inflicting further harm on others and himself.

There is no other way of protecting our inner, cultural transmission than by cultivating it, being it and showing others by example that it is really possible to remain so, even in troubled times.

So claim and live up to you and your generation’s responsibility. And be that courage, joy and love that you wish future generations to experience and build their life and societies on.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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