This Whole Thing Is a House of Cards! | Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes

four horsemen

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Description Hope for our Times is a ministry led by Tom Hughes which focuses on the prophecies of the Bible concerning end times events. Through the use of weekly updates, interviews, Bible teachings and in person conferences, Hope for our Times is able to share the importance of having a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and how to live in these Last Days with the hope that can only be found in Him.



The Tribulation of the End Times

A look through the verses of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen–describe the living hell you can avoid if you are saved before the Great Tribulation. Here are only a few of the dreadful disasters that take place during the Tribulation:

  • One out of every two people will die during the Tribulation (Revelation 6:8 and onward), some through the ravages of war, others by starvation, and amazingly many others by the ‘beasts of the earth’. So, whether by death that comes instantly and thus less dreaded or a slow and painful death that is lingering and agonizing-50 percent of all people will die. The world’s population was 6,415,574,176 yesterday, so that means at least 3,207,500,000 will die. That amounts to just about eleven times the current population of the United States, can you imagine that? And remember that the population of the world is doubling every 39.5 years. So every day the number of people who will die becomes larger and larger.
  • One-third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (Revelation 8:7).
  • The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (Revelation 8:12); The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (Revelation 9:3-6).
  • There will be worldwide famine, unlike anything the world has ever seen (Revelation 18:8); There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 14:20).
  • All told, during the Great Tribulation, as many as half of all the people on the earth will be killed. Now, do you see why God refers to the Rapture as a ‘blessed hope’? Because the Tribulation to come is so horrible!

This summary of the Great Tribulation is an excerpt from The Tribulation and End Times from

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Prayers for Times of Tribulation

“Lord, we’re living in perilous times. The kingdoms are in an uproar. The nation of Israel sits at the hub of history, and the predictions of Your Word are unfolding like a scroll. Evil has never been stronger, and the end has never been closer. Our world is in the grip of the birth pangs of tribulation the likes of which have never been seen before and will never be seen again. Lord, rejecting the spirit of fear, we claim the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Help us preach the gospel in these last days. Give us a sense of urgency, anticipation, and evangelism as we await the upward call. May we persevere as we listen for the shout, for the voice of the archangel, and for the trumpet call of God. Dear

Lord, give us patience and give us power. Give us strength and sound minds, as we pray: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”  – Dr. David Jeremiah

“Father, You go before us. You are the God of our past and our present. By Your hand we were all created for unique purpose to be realized in the days of our lives on this earth. Though we have no way of knowing what is coming our way, we are guaranteed that life this side of heaven will be hard. We know we have an enemy set to destroy us. Give us the boldness we need to operate in the power Your Holy Spirit, to discern the lies of the enemy and recall and remember the truths in Your Word. Jesus is the story of our salvation. There in the beginning with the Father, and now sit seated at His right hand. You pray for us, and never leave us. Jesus, empower us by Your grace to love the people in our lives well, even though the ways of the world are pushing against us. Our mistakes are rampant. We’re not getting it right all of the time. We’re succumbing to pride and discord, when You set an example of and commanded us to love above all else. Holy Spirit stir conviction in our souls like never before. Give us lessons in humility, coach us in encouragement, and mentor us in peaceably and gracefully asserting our faith into the brokenness of this world. Infuse a durability in us that is unworldly. Bless our lives to persevere, and run the race marked out for us with full steam to the very end. Until the tape breaks and we’re called home. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” – Meg Bucher


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.