Virginia Socialists’ “Wish List” became their “To-Do List”

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Virginia Citizens and Business Owners are in for a Very Rude Awakening as Horrendous Job Killing and Immoral Bills are Moving Forward at Lightning Speed

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This crossover update is a partial list of the “Mother Of All Bills” in each category (MOABs) which will cause a drastic change in life as we know it in Virginia! In almost every category below it became impossible to pick the worst bill, however, you are being spared from the full list unless you want it. Full list here


SAY GOODBYE TO: Free speech, free exercise of religion, freedom of association, honest elections, any chance for free market healthcare or school choice, reasonable electric rates, right to work, whatever is left of manufacturing in VA, remaining the number 1 state to do business in, and Virginia’s historical monuments. [Our AAA bond rating?]

SAY HELLO TO: Job loses, fewer new small businesses, higher taxes, unregulated on demand abortion, 5 cities with casinos, marijuana ok, dozens of business mandates, [increasing homelessness?] happier illegal aliens, unions, weaponized anti-discrimination, unattainable mandates and expensive tax credits to fight bogus climate change, more ’cause of action’ clauses throughout the code and jammed courts. [This year’s bills will mean ”Full Employment for Lawyers”]

[Saved the best for last – GOOD NEWS is at the end]

Economic Justice / Labor 

  • Virginia Values Act – MOAB One of the worst bills of the session.  (HB 1663, SB 868) Creates harsh penalties for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity – something as simple as calling someone by the wrong pronoun. Penalties start at $50,000 for a first offense and jump to $100,000 for a subsequent offense. 
  • Public employee collective bargaining; repeals right to work – MOAB (HB 582 / SB 939)
  • Minimum wage increase – MOAB regional? (SB 7)

Social Justice – Anti-discrimination 

  • Virginia Values Act [NOT] One of the worst bills of the session. (HB 1663, SB 868 see above)
  • Abortion: Removes legal restrictions; (HB 980 / SB 733)
  • Multiple hate crime prevention bills, adds SOGI [codifies thought crimes] (HB 276, HB 618, HB 787, SB 179)
  • New birth certificate for gender change (HB 1041, SB 657) DMV license may show X for gender (SB 246) Health Insurance Sex Change Coverage, creates new forms of gender.(HB 1429)
  • Local governments may remove historical monuments (HB 1537 / SB 183)
  • Food stamps may be used in restaurants (HB 1410)
  • Parental Rights [destruction] more vaccine mandates (HB 1090)

Energy / Climate Change / Environmental Justice/

  • Governor’s Virginia Clean Economy Act – MOAB Carbon emissions to 0 by 2050 [worse than the new green deal] (HB 1526 / SB 851)
  • State, regional, and local planning; must consider impacts from and causes of climate change in adopting a comprehensive plan, regional strategic plan, or zoning ordinance. (HB 672)
  • Join RGGI – cap carbon and tax (HB 981, SB 1027)
  • Windmills off shore $14 Billion (HB 234, HB 1664, SB 860, SB 998)

More Gas Taxes and Govt Free to Tax “at will”

  • Gas taxes – MOAB transportation omnibus (HB 1414, SB 890)
  • New Central VA Transportation Authority – applies regional taxes (HB 1541)
  • Hampton Roads region; gas tax increase (HB 1726)
  • NOVA Transit funding; raises the existing regional transportation fee (HB 729)
  • Local gov’t can levy more taxes – gas, admissions, cigarettes, lodging, meals (repeals currently required referendum SB 588)

Property Rights

  • Broadband easements – no provision for constitutional “just compensation” (HB 831, HB 1271, HB 1280, SB 794)


  • National Popular Vote Compact (NPV) – overrides Electoral College (HB 177)
  • Repeal Photo ID; if forgot your ID you can sign a paper that you are who you say you are! (HB19, SB 65)
  • Election Day registration (HB 201)
  • DMV automatic voter registration (HB 235, SB 219) 

2nd Amendment, Gun Control

  • Assault Weapons Ban (HB 961) 
  • Red Flag bills (HB 674 / SB 240)
  • Universal back ground check (HB 2 / SB 70)
  • Local gun control; local can impose gun free (killing) zones (HB 421)
  • Ban on militias (SB 64)

  Criminal Justice Reform

  • Early release geriatric prisoners (SB 624)
  • Multiple bills easy on criminals
  • Much of Northam’s [soft on crime] criminal justice reform legislation has been carried over to next year 


  • Establishment of obamacare state Healthcare Exchange (HB 1428, SB 732)
  • Expanded COPN (higher medical bills) (HB 879, SB 279, SB 764


  • Driver’s licenses (driver privilege cards) for illegal aliens (HB 1211 / SB 34 / SB761)
  • No cooperation with ICE (HB 1150 / SB 491)
  • Establishes Office of New Americans [undefined] (HB 1209 / SB 991)
  • Instate tuition for illegal aliens (HB 1315, HB 1547, SB935)

Local Government

  • Public employee collective bargaining (SB 939)
  • State, regional, and local planning; must consider climate change (HB 672)
  • Casinos in 5 cities (SB 36)
  • New taxing authority; referendum repealed (SB 588)

[There is no free market category – with passage of even half of the mandates and other proposed legislation which will affect businesses, Virginia will no longer have free markets!]

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Copy and paste link for full list:


Bills that clic-va opposed that are DEAD

  • Assisted suicide  Estate Tax  
  • Elimination of single family Zoning  
  • Nonunion workers to pay union dues
  • Law suits filed to stop implementation of ERA

Bills that clic-va supports that are PASSING

  • Restore SCC authority to protect electric ratepayers (HB 1132 / SB 969)
  • NO civil asset Forfeiture without conviction (HB 1522
  • Dept. of Elections to provide registered voter lists to the courts for jury summons use (HB 500 / SB 466)Electric customers not required to pay for services not used (HB167)
  • Eminent Domain citizen protections (Multiple bills)
  • Steps toward stopping telephone solicitation calls (HB 1244 / SB 812)
  • Board of Medical Assistance Services to include telehealth in the state plan for medical assistance (HB1332)
  • Nuclear designated as clean energy – 40% of VA energy (SB 549 / SB 817/ SB 828)
  • Virtual Virginia available to all public schools (SB 142)
  • End suspension of driver’s licenses over court costs (SB 1)
  • Local government must allow public speaking time in at least 1/2 of meetings (SB 977)
  • Solutions for out-of-network / surprise medical billing being considered in both bodies

“Our Standard is the Constitution – for every issue, on very occasion, with no exceptions”

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Carol Stopps and the CLIC-VA Team










The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.