Articles by Tabitha Korol

Snap, Crackle and Pop

A Prophecy for the Future The gnomes of Snap Crackle, and Pop have new meaning in the 21st century, a far cry from their inception,…

A Modest Proposal

I have often wondered about people who express themselves under cover of anonymity.  I suspect that despite the bravado to support his vulgarity, he prefers…

Endangered Species

Much of Jewish leadership is failing its people, as the infiltration of the Marxist doctrine in our public and private schools may be the far…

Conditioned to Comply

We have entered an era of totalitarianism, where the features of our fundamental freedoms, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, are being severely eroded.  We are losing our Freedom of Speech, upon which all other freedoms are based. 

Dark Diversity

Our schools choose their teaching staff by the color of their skin, not the content of their character or the extent of their knowledge, and…