Billy Crone: The End of Humanity, Days of Noah

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Gary Stearman | Prophecy Watchers

There was a time not too long ago where the subjects discussed today were merely science fiction. Humans and animal DNA mixed together … trees that glow in the dark … weaponized insects … a pig with a human brain … super-soldiers who never get tired … But as shocking as these things may sound, they’re all signs of the end times, prophesied in the Bible 2,000 years ago.

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God’s judgment can’t be far off as we see these bizarre, genetic experiments destroy everything God created and called good.

One thing is certain … it’s going to get worse.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Prophecy Watchers
In this increasingly self-indulgent world it’s vital for Christians to remember that, “God is love.” Ours is a global society of novels, motion pictures and commercials festooned with hearts and flowers, where “love” has become a marketable commodity. It’s no surprise to anyone that love has become a product, bought and sold in a myriad of goods, services and social diversion; in spoken and written word, music and videos, much of it cheap and shockingly disgusting.