Bishop calls LGBT indoctrination of kids ‘child abuse’: ‘We must stop this insanity’

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TYLER, Texas, November 13, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic bishop of the United States denounced as “child abuse” the “insane and evil” transgender message given to children in schools that was recently highlighted in a video circulating on social media.

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, expressed disgust over a video that featured two LGBT activists telling a classroom of school kids that boys can become girls and girls can become boys and one’s “identity” can change over time.

The LGBT activists told the children that “genitals actually don’t determine our gender,” and that “some people born with vulvas can be boys,” and that “people can also be fluid, feel more like female or male based on a different day or time.”

Bishop Strickland tweeted that the LGBT lesson promotes an “insane and evil message” that is destroying the lives of “innocent children.” 

“In a sane society,” he wrote, this would be “called what it is, child abuse.” 

Those “propagating this insanity would be prosecuted,” he wrote, in a sane society. He ended by writing: “Stop this insanity!”

In a series of tweets appearing on the feed for Questioning LGBT/CSE Education, “sex educator” Nadine and “sex researcher” Eva told children that “gender is how you feel on the inside about whether you’re a boy or a girl, man or a woman, if you’re non-binary, feel like neither or both.” The two presenters held small mannequins that appeared to have ambiguous genitalia. “People can also be fluid,” Eva said, “feel more like female, feel more like male,” and added, “It’s really individual.” 

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When the children were asked whether someone born with a vulva is a woman or a girl, most held up hand signs with the word “true.” However, Nadine dismissed their response, saying, “Not everybody is sure, and that makes sense. But our genitals don’t determine our gender. So, some people born with vulvas can be boys.” 

The children were then introduced by the sex educators to a person they called a “role model” who said she was born a “girl” but who now “identifies” as a man. Saying that she had been through the “spectrum” of presenting herself as a boy and as a girl and “everywhere in between,” the “role model” explained that she “transitioned” to a male and had a double mastectomy, what she called a “top surgery.” 

Bishop Strickland has been regularly outspoken about some of the most controversial issues of the day, including abortion, homosexuality, and contraception.

During the current meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, he expressed dismay, for instance, when Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego objected to keeping abortion as the “preeminent” issue for the bishops’ social justice program. 

Bishop Strickland told his colleagues openly (view video below) that the word “preeminent” should remain in a letter declaring that abortion remains the primary social justice issue for the bishops to pursue. He later tweeted that he was saddened that 1 out of 3 bishops voted against the preeminence of abortion among their concerns. 

His Excellency, Bishop Strickland (@Bishopoftyler on Twitter), seconds request for update on #Vatican McCarrick Investigation—along with requesting the USCCB set aside time to “address questions concerning the Deposit of Faith”, & for adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Posted by Bree A. Dail on Monday, November 11, 2019

He tweeted: “Thank God the USCCB voted to uphold the preeminence of the Sanctity of the life of the unborn. It is sad that 69 voted no.”

In previous tweets, Bishop Strickland called on fellow bishops and Catholics to “wake up” and confront the dangers posed by the LGBT agenda. Reacting to a news story that a Catholic hospital may be sued for refusing a hysterectomy to a gender-confused woman, he tweeted: “Not only Catholics but all believers need to WAKE UP….this cuts at the very roots of civilization.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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