Carnival Side Shows Take Center Stage in Virginia

Boy Changing to a Girl

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Girl Changes to Boy-Man Changes to Woman

As a kid I was always excited when the first posters were nailed to the telephone poles announcing the soon coming Carnival. Great expectations would rise up inside of me followed by great hope that money would be there in the family budget to attend.

There was always one section of the Carnival though that was off limits: the Side Shows. Even though my parents would keep me at a distance I was always able to read the signs on the tents: “Featuring Inside – Snake Lady and Alligator Boy”.

Today, there’s a new Side Show in town with leftist liberal groups taking advantage of gender confused individuals pushing sex changes, cross dressing and drugs to block natural hormone development.

Boy Changing to a Girl

Last week the School Board in Gloucester, Virginia heard from over 25 residents stating it would be unacceptable for a girl who thinks she is a boy to use the men’s restroom. Previously the confused teen had been using the nurse’s restroom, but the student claimed that this took too much time and was “alienating, humiliating.” I do have compassion for this girl but she has some major issues that need the proper treatment rather than the rewriting of policies for those who attempt to redefine gender in a manner that conflicts with biology.

This show cannot go on. During the television interview the student and her Mother both repeated the favorite political activism sound bites as if they had been coached: “it’s my right, this is discrimination, it’s bullying and it’s time to get on the right side of history.”

In the Side Show Parade of 1993 in Washington participants chanted, “We’re here. We’re queer. And we’re coming after your children.” The most caring action anyone can take is to direct this misguided teen towards help for her confusion with her biology rather than abusing her by making her a political pawn. Adopting the professional opinion of former psychiatrist-in-chief- of John Hopkins would be more appropriate. Dr. McHugh’s view , “We would do better for these patients, I thought, by concentrating on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia”.

We would appreciate your donation.

At the meeting a School Board member presented this motion:, “It shall be the practice of the Gloucester County Public Schools to provide male and female restroom and locker room facilities in its schools, and the use of said facilities shall be limited to the corresponding biological genders, and students with gender identity issues shall be provided an alternative private facility.” However, the motion was tabled and will be taken up at the December 9 meeting.

Now if we travel down the road about 60 miles to Richmond, we will find another Side Show going on. A man who is pretending to be a woman sits on the top rung of the ladder at the Department of Health for Virginia. Marissa Levine, the Health Commissioner of Virginia, was Mark Levine just a few years ago when he served as Henrico County’s health director.

Anonymous co-workers have shared how they watched the metamorphosis take place; hair grew longer, finger nails became longer and painted, voice began changing and dresses became the attire. No one said a word for fear of losing their job.

Dr. Levine may appear qualified on paper to be in the position he is in, but what’s going on in the mind of this man? Wouldn’t more compassion be shown for Dr. Levine if he received the proper treatment rather than playing along with his masquerade?

Being silent about these Side Shows and not providing treatment not only ruins lives, it leaves the door open for more bizarre Side Shows like necrophiliacs demanding their rights to the mortuaries to have sex with corpses or the one in California this summer that featured the first-ever state recognized Human-Animal Marriage.

I appeal to the Youth and Children pastors of Gloucester and all over Virginia to reach outside of your sanctuaries to these individuals. God created man in his own image and he created male and female. As the light of the world and salt of the earth, public schools are a ministry opportunity for The Church. Help put a stop to these kinds of Side Shows. Share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the highways and byways.

Source: Barb Wire

Linda Wall is a “Missionary to America”, a Christian activist. She is a former lesbian, delivered from homosexuality by the power of the Living Jesus Christ. She has worked for the Virginia General Assembly, helped on political campaigns for conservative candidates at the state and federal level, lobbied for The Family Foundation of Virginia and Concerned Women for America of Virginia, served on the Board of Directors of Parents & Friends of Ex-gays and Gays and ran for the Virginia House of Delegates. Linda is presently founder and CEO of Virginia Mass Resistance, a Judeo-Christian group whose mission is to resist the forces coming against the Judeo-Christian foundation of America. Linda is available to share her testimony of deliverance.  Email her at

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Linda Wall
Linda Wall For almost forty years Linda has been doing missionary work in Virginia. Her assignments have taken her down many political avenues: the Virginia General Assembly, political campaigns, lobbyist, and candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. Linda was delivered from homosexuality by the power of Jesus Christ over thirty-five years ago. She is presently calling for The Church to stand for righteousness and against sexual perversion in this hour. To be the light and salt Christ commanded us to be.
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