
Signs of the Times

What signs of the end times point to the soon return of Jesus Christ? For more episodes of “Christ in Prophecy” subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at

Rethinking the Lie

I will ask you to indulge me just a bit while I think on the great lie that is prophesied for the time of Tribulation….

Christmas Prophecies

There are 300 general prophecies and 109 specific prophecies about the First Coming of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ fulfilled them all, exactly, and in detail. Matter of fact, there’s 19 specific of them right here. 

The Spirit of Antichrist Moves Among Us

The spirit of Antichrist is on a rampage, even in subdued ways among the Church, by refusing to address the hatred coming against modern Israel. It does, indeed, tell us where we are on God’s prophetic timeline. 

Counterfeit Commandments

Lucifer will counterfeit the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). This is found in Revelation chapter 13, with the introduction of the first beast, the second beast, and Satan himself as giving power and authority to these wicked cohorts during the Tribulation era.