Christian Engagement in a Postmodern World

Rob Franzen

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Dear friend,

It has been a while since I last wrote to you, and there is very good reason for that. It is not because I didn’t want to or lacked a word to share. On the contrary, I have been busier than ever with theological research, scholarly studies, writing research papers, and such for the Master of Divinity program at Oral Roberts University. I have become a full-time student in the ORU distant learning program while still maintaining my everyday life with work, children, local church ministry, etc. Last year God was so gracious to open the way for me to go on two missionary trips to the Dominican Republic and Nigeria. There is opportunity to go again this year to these places and more. However, I am seeking God’s wisdom as to where to best serve my time. I have already passed up trips to Haiti and India to concentrate on my studies. Yet, I am ready to go as soon as I sense the green light to go, even with my studies.

            Saints, we are living in very exciting times and opportunity with the gospel. There is no question that times have been changing. We have long been in the midst of a paradigm shift from the modern age to a postmodern age and worldview. These shifts can take 50 to 100 years before there is a settlement again, (and right now no one is sure where things will settle). David Dockery, editor of the book The Challenge of Postmodernism, states:

          “the last two decades the Western world thought itself capable of arriving at truth in all arenas through scientific inquiry. That modern world is giving way to a postmodern world. Postmodernism describes a dislocating of the human condition, what some call an in-between time, as the modern age winds down and the new age emerges. Two hallmarks characterize this age: a disbelief in objective truth and a deep sense that morality is relative.” (emphasis mine).

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Many polls have shown that only about 25 percent of Americans believe in absolute truth. In June of 2013 I wrote concerning this issue of “absolute truth.” I attached the two-part message for you to re-visit again (at your leisure) because it is more relevant today than ever. Only the discerning Christian that sees and understands the times we live in can shift gears to maintain relevancy and effectiveness in today’s culture. Postmodernists still have an underlying hunger for spiritual things. I am more affirmed than ever that Jesus Christ and His Word have the answers people are searching for. He is unchanging and His Word is unchanging, however, in these postmodern times we have to be very smart in approaching people with the gospel. What worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily work today.

            The bottom line is that the gospel of Jesus Christ transcends every age, culture, worldview, and time! The gospel still works and the world will eventually come full circle, if you will, to that realization. However, we have a part in this battle.

Please print out the these two articles and read them carefully.

They will assist you in staying firmly rooted in the truth of Scripture and engaging a lost world seeking the only One who can fill every void and need.

May our Creator-Redeemer richly bless you,

March 6, 2015


Rob Franzen

The mission of the “Creation Under Fire project” is to educate people with the truth of our origin as revealed in the first book of the Holy Bible – Genesis. To establish a clear understanding of the original thought and intent of the author as it was originally recorded; therewith, dispelling untrue theories of creation within the church. In turn, strengthening people’s faith and equipping them with real answers for the faith they possess and to defend it well. Also to expose the most subtle scheme Satan has ever unleashed on humanity, which has sent more people to hell than any other attack mankind has ever known


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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