Conference Videos, Fairfax, Virginia: “Kids, Sex, and the Public Schools”


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UPDATE: VIDEO Clips of April 21 Conference in Fairfax County, Virginia on “Kids, Sex, and the Public Schools: Healthy or Hurtful?”


A consortium of local groups held a free conference the morning of Saturday April 21, 2018 in Fairfax County Virginia to raise awareness of the many controversial issues that currently pervade the Fairfax County Public Schools regarding sex, safety, health, and well-being of children.

The four hour conference was titled “Kids, Sex, and Public Schools: Healthy or Hurtful?” and provided information booths, subject matter experts, nationally renown speakers and authors (i.e., Dr. Judith Reisman, Austin Ruse), and a panel discussion.


1) Short presentations on a variety of subjects by local parents and citizens were given to raise awareness and provide background on controversial issues in the Fairfax County Public Schools, including:

  1. Greetings, Pledge of Allegiance, and Religious Invocation led by John Murray(See at 4 minutes long)
  1. Speech by local mother Laura Murphy who has been fighting against inappropriate material in English Literature and the School Libraries for years, and now battles school Sex Ed Curriculum committee as they promote “Biology is meaningless” and “Sex Assigned at Birth” in the public schools.(See at 8 minutes long)
  2. Speech by local citizen Ed Hara testifying how pornography and the sexual revolution destroyed his life and warns parents against public schools promoting its philosophy, tenets, and materials. (See at 8 minutes long)
  3. Speech by local parent John Murray who leads a local group ( focused on raising awareness on the harmful content of the public school’s FLE (Sex Ed) program and helps parents navigate it’s complex curriculum through Red/Yellow/Green colored charts to make informed decisions and opt out if needed.(See at 8 minutes long)
  4. Speech by local mother Andi Bayer who provides an overview of Sex Ed in the Public Schools and America over the past one hundred years.(See at 8 minutes long)
  5. Speech by local mother Cathy Ruse who has been fighting the local out of control school board and their haste and poorly thought out policy to force boys into the girls bathrooms and locker rooms without the consideration and consent of others.(See at 6 minutes long)


  6. Speech by a local mother named Monica who spends her free time volunteering to coach her daughter’ssports teams and talks about the inherent unfairness, violations of Title IX and women’s rights, and potential risk to harmful injury by local school board attempting to allow males to compete against females in sports competition.(See at 4 minutes long)
  7. Speech by local Chinese-American mother named Alice who lambasts the local school board for marginalizing the estimated 10,000 local girls in the Fairfax County Public Schools who are rape and sexual assault survivors of which many carry trauma, depression, and suicidal thoughts that can be triggered and go into relapse, and who do not want boys in the girls bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms. She also warned that the propaganda efforts in the public schools are similar to what she experienced in oppressive Communist China(See at 4 minutes long)


  8. Speech by local African American Grace Harley who speaks on how propaganda, misinformation, and misguided encouragement led her to lead the life as a transgender youth, and what inspired and transformed her life 25 years ago.(See at 8 minutes long).


   2) Featured Speakers from April 21 Conference:

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  1.  Austin Ruse,  Author spoke on “Fake Science and the Sexual Revolution”.  Included exposing Kinsey fraud and the estimated 100 million people injured and killed by the Sexual Revolution(See for 15 minute video clip)
  2.  Dr. Judith Reisman, Internationally acclaimed author and researcher, spoke on “The originations of the sexual rights agenda, how it targets children, and what needs to be done to stop it” (includes the following segments):
  • ·       Exposing the pedo-marxists who regard children as collective property (See for 1 minute excerpt);
  • ·       The father of fake science behind sexual revolution and propaganda and misinformation still used in public schools was a child rapist and made things up (See for 4 minute excerpt);
  • ·       Sue and bring charges against the billion dollar Sex Industrial Complex and the fraudulent Sex Educators (See for 6 minute excerpt);
  • ·       Sue and bring charges against the school board and school administrators (See 1 minute excerpt).
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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