“We the People” Weekly: Chinese Communists HERE and Election Interference

ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of the day's top blogs from Virginia Christian Alliance.

Please research these issues independently. 

Here is a list of podcasts and links to articles we have seen this week that is being suppressed by Big Media, Big Tech and Big Pharma:

LEAK CONFIRMED: Chinese Communists Have Infiltrated Top Companies, Governments In US, UK, Australia

A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson. Ms Markson said the leak is a register with the details of Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity. GO TO ARTICLE: SKY NEWS)

Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference

Lawyer Sidney Powell asserted that due to alleged foreign interference in the Nov. 3 election, “it’s more than sufficient to trigger” President Donald Trump’s executive order on foreign interference issued in 2018. In September 2018, Trump signed an executive order that says “not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election,” according to the text of the order. (GO TO ARTICLE: EPOCH TIMES)

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Breaking!!! Lin Wood | The 2020 Election was Rigged By Communists, China and George Soros and Lin Wood has the Proof

Lin Wood shares that the 2020 election was “rigged” by communists, China, and George Soros and he has the PROOF including videos, thousands of signed-affidavits, etc. Research “A Color Revolution” (GO TO POD CAST, LINKS TO DOCUMENTATION: THRIVE TIME SHOW)

Learn the Facts About the Voter Fraud – https://hereistheevidence.com/ 


Dr Shiva – The Elite Have Enslaved Us In Their Illusion, It’s Time To Back The Country

Dr. Shiva created email at the age of 14 in Newark, NJ and has 4 degrees from MIT. 1 degree is a PHD in biological engineering. Dr Shiva begins the discussion with the pandemic. He says the elite are pushing fake science to keep us in fear. Masks don’t work and Fauci is a quack. The election process is not one vote one person, its an algorithm the elite created to control the election process. The elite have given us an illusion of freedom and it is now time to take back this country (GO TO PODCAST: X22 Report)

Website: VA Shiva



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.