Darwin Popularized Racism

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from Answers in Genesis

“Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it.”

Discover the origin of people groups (there is only one race), the genetics of skin color, and biblical truths on “interracial” marriage. This fascinating book explores racism and its roots in the hearts and minds of millions.

Most people do not realize how intimately connected the popular idea of evolution and the worst racist ideology in history are. Ken Ham and Dr. Charles Ware reveal the compelling history of the effect of an evolution-based belief system on the history of the United States, including slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and abortion. They go beyond politically-correct speech to show the tragic global harvest of death and tragedy that stems from Darwin’s controversial beliefs.



  • Uncover the the origin of the word race and the tragic legacy of Darwin’s theory.
  • Discover the disturbing connection between evolutionary thought and the most ruthless (and bloody) dictators in history.
  • Join an eye-opening discussion on racism and its roots in the hearts and minds of millions.
  • Step beyond the legal precedents to find the true solution in the Bible—one that resolves this issue in the hearts of mankind.


In chapter 1, “Darwin’s Plantation,” we examine the fruit of evolution with respect to racism. Racism has shown its ugly face throughout the ages—a consequence of sin and the Fall. From continent to continent, we see sad examples of what happens when man’s thinking replaces biblical truth and how racism has been fertilized by the theory of evolution.

Chapter 2 brings racism into the 20th and 21st centuries. Dr. Ware will reveal the history of scriptural abuse and misuse that has been used to justify, support, and propagate racism while bringing light to the plight of minorities. Sadly, the discussion must also take an honest look at the Church, where evolutionary thinking and racism share common roots. These roots go deeper than you might think. Several years ago in Australia, I was having a conversation with a Bible college student. He declared that missionaries should not waste their time preaching to the Australian Aborigines. He believed they were not of Adam’s race and, therefore, could not be saved. His attitude was not unusual. Over the centuries, some missionaries have not seen the need to take the gospel to “primitive” tribes because they are not considered sufficiently “human” on the evolutionary scale.

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One professor in the 1880s wrote: “I consider the Negro to be a lower species of man and cannot make up my mind to look upon him as ‘a man and a brother,’ for the gorilla would then also have to be admitted into the family.”1 Too many in the Church have failed to take God at His word and have instead injected humanistic and evolutionary thinking into their worldview and morality. The seemingly insignificant seeds of Darwinism are now spreading across our land, multiplying themselves as they go.

For they sow the wind and they reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7).

The scope and the intensity of the racism/Darwinism relationship are dark and discouraging. More than half a century has passed since the horrors of the Nazi racial extermination camps were revealed to a disbelieving world. Yet the battle against ethnic hatred and violence remains one of the burning issues of our time. Billions of dollars are spent fighting it. Oprah devotes entire programs to it. Presidents consult civic and religious leaders for answers. Everyone seems to be wrestling with the problems of racial prejudice . . . yet solutions evade us.

Is the continued spreading of Darwin’s plantation unstoppable? I say no. In this book we will bring great hope and light through scientific and biblical fact. In the brilliant light of God’s Word, the roots of Darwinian evolution and racism will be exposed . . . and in that light, the roots will begin to shrivel.

In chapter 3,The True Origin of Species,” I’ll give you an overview of genetics, natural selection, and the theory of evolution. You’ll see how the scientific facts match up with biblical revelation, a revelation that destroys the possibility of Darwinian evolution and uproots the weeds of racism.

In chapter 4, “Humankind,” we will apply biblical and scientific principles to humanity. You’ll discover the genetic foundation behind the diversity that God has given us. It’s not only a fascinating look at the way that God created us, but it also reveals the shallowness of Darwinian theory and evolutionary thinking in regard to racism.

In chapter 5, “One Blood,” we’ll reveal what the word race truly means. Are there really multiple races of humans? Where did this concept originate? The answers will change the way you look at yourself and those around you forever. By exploring the personal implications of the evidence on a heart level, you’ll begin to experience the truth of God’s Word in new ways.

In chapter 6, “One Flesh,” we will apply biblical and scientific principles to marriage and dating relationships to reveal God’s plan for families from differing cultural backgrounds.

In chapter 7, “Grace Relations,” Dr. Ware begins to unveil a dream for the future—a vision for the Church and society built on grace and unity rather than on racial hatred and division. His vision is acute; his plan is reasonable.

In chapter 8, “New Seeds,” he will show the way into a new relationship with each other that transcends race and embraces grace in a living reflection of the fact that we are all one in Jesus Christ.

Following this chapter, Dr. Ware presents several extremely useful appendices. In appendix A, Dr. Ware will show how the homosexual movement has hijacked the civil rights movement. By using similar rhetoric and strategies, they are attempting to draw false parallels between their struggles and those of African Americans. By building their case on evolutionary thinking, the homosexual movement has falsely aligned itself with the struggles of the civil rights movement. It is another consequence of the spread of Darwin’s plantation, but under biblical scrutiny, Dr. Ware will pull these false parallels out by the roots.

In appendices B, C, and D, Dr. Ware will supply us with several highly practical tools for implementing a strategy to create multi-ethnic communities of worship and fellowship. By the time we are done, you’ll not only know the history, theology, and science regarding evolution and racism, but you will also be equipped to do something about it in your own personal life, in your church, and in the world!

Ideas are like seeds, small and yet incalculably powerful. Darwin’s plantation continues to grow, fertilizing the roots of racism. As believers in Jesus Christ, using the truth of His Word as our tools, we have the opportunity to root out the assumptions of Darwinism and plant new seeds of truth from God’s Word and scientific fact. A new plantation can be planted and nurtured—but this time the fruit will not be racism; it will be love and unity in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people (Gal. 6:9–10; em- phasis mine).


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.