Frustrated parents to pull kids out of school for a day as part of grassroots ‘sex ed sit out’


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April 6, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A grassroots movement of frustrated public school parents who want to end the sexualization of their children during class time has turned their frustration to action with a “Sex Ed Sit Out” protest on April 23.

The protest, launched by a few moms on social media who were troubled by the graphic nature of current sex education resources in schools, has grown into a global movement with protests being held in multiple U.S. cities and also Australia and the UK.

Parents are demanding to know why their children are being taught how to have anal and oral sex, masturbate one another, and question one’s gender. Caryl Ayala, a former public school teacher and organizer of the Austin, Texas, protest, said, “We are uniting with parents across the globe to demand that our rights as parents be respected regarding the teaching of sexuality and sexual orientation. Hands off our kids!”

School districts such as Rocklin, CA and Fairfax County, VA have recently been the focus of news headlines because of controversial, gender-bending and graphic sex education and anti-bullying programs which parents say they were not informed would be taught to their children, sometimes as young as five years old.

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“Why are our tax dollars going to pay for curriculums and resources that teach dangerous and promiscuous behaviors which most parents find morally abhorrent and the CDC has stated are a health risk?” questioned Elizabeth Johnston, activist vlogger and concerned mother. “Furthermore, why aren’t administrators being transparent with parents about the content of sexuality resources? It’s as if they have something to hide. That should frighten parents everywhere.”

“Funding is dangled in front of the schools by special interest groups to push this propaganda, contingent upon the schools using their curriculum,” Johnston explained. “There is no transparency with parents and downright deception being employed on the part of school administrators. Parents can’t opt their kids out of the sex ed and anti-bullying programs when they don’t even know they exist and when they are being rolled out across the curriculum in multiple subject areas.”

Education Chairman of the Indiana Liberty Coalition and one of the protest organizers, Rhonda Miller, stated, “Follow the money. Comprehensive sex ed is being rolled out across America, often sponsored by special interest LGBT groups like Human Rights Campaign, and disguised as anti-bullying programs. If it’s not okay for special interest groups like the NRA to be buying classroom time to push their agenda, then how is it okay for HRC monies to be buying schools off to teach gender-bending ideology and anal sex tutorials?”

“We want school administrators to promise to cease all programs which push graphic and radical LGBT gender-bending propaganda,” said Johnston. “We send our kids to school to learn reading, writing, science and history, not how to have sex without getting caught or inconvenienced. Stick to the biology of reproduction or we will pull our children out of schools permanently.”

On April 23, parents around the nation will be pulling their children out of school for the day in protest of dangerous and graphic sex education and uniting at various locations to hold press events and field media questions.

For more information about the Sex Ed Sit Out in your area, contact:

Elizabeth Johnston

(740) 973-0542

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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