Is The Lord Trying To Get Our Attention?

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Joe Rogowski | Minding the Times

Has anyone asked the question whether what we are experiencing through COVID-19 is an exercise of God’s wrath upon our sinful and ever increasing decadent societies? My prayer above all else, in our current health crisis, is that we are not experiencing a re-visitation of Numbers 16: 46b:

                                                           “Wrath has come out from the Lord; the plague has started.”


Could it be that our ungodly choices in our civic and national policies and the increasing secularization of our cultures with our inclinations toward abortion, infanticide, drug and human trafficking, national laws and protections affirming homosexual lifestyles, homosexual marriage and transgenderism while overruling religious freedoms, brazen corruption in high places by national leaders and those passing laws, rage, violence, sexual assaults, and spousal abuse, rampant sensuality, promiscuity and child pornography while our arts and entertainment industries profit on increasingly erotic, pornographic portrayals and visuals, are leading to a reckoning of our debaucheries on a planetary scale? 

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With growing frequency, we are witnessing renunciation of His existence with impunity by academics, millennials, university students, renowned scientists, and network hosts stimulating mass audiences with disdain for all things religious or spiritual. Isn’t it true that rebellion and selfishness fester in every segment of society with claims of victimhood and deprivations while gratitude, contentment, service, national loyalty, and sacrifice grow increasingly rare? Who could blame the Lord, if what we are experiencing on a global scale is an expression of His wrath and has nothing to do with the Chinese or President Trump but with our own shared humanity’s wantonness and degeneracy?


If that be true, then one wonders too, if the so-called Lord’s people, who are called by His name, are somewhat complicit in our national and global woes by refraining from our defined duty to lead the nations in repentance according to the given format of

2Chronicles 7:14

 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”


Joe Rogowski
“Life is a special occasion.”
Hallmark Corporation

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Joe Rogowski
Joe Rogowski is a member of the Virginia Christian Alliance Advisory Board, a former missionary and itinerant teacher, who recently has been on numerous mission trips to Africa and Europe teaching on Biblical Worldview and Culture.